S.No. | Description | Name | Default Value |
1 | ALIASES Turn the following setting on to use aliases | AliasesActive | "true" |
2 | ALLOW LOGOUT OF ALL USERS Indicates if the logout screen presents all users or just users with the same name | AllowLogoutOfAllUsers | "false" |
3 | ALLOW DUPLICATE ITEM NAMES ON THE SAME LEVEL Specifies whether duplicate item names are allowed on the same level in the content tree. This setting is provided only for compatibility reasons. Sitecore does not guarantee the resolving order to be one way or another when there are two items with the same pathname. Default value: false | AllowDuplicateItemNamesOnSameLevel | "false" |
4 | ALLOW PREVIEW OF RULES EXECUTION RESULTS Indicates if preview of rules execution results is allowed. Default value: true | AllowPreviewOfRulesExecutionResults | "true" |
5 | QUERY STRINGS IN URL RENDERINGS If this setting is true, all the query strings of the main page is passed to all url renderings | AppendQSToUrlRendering | "true" |
6 | AUTHENTICATION CLIENT SESSION TIMEOUT Specifies the number of minutes before Sitecore considers user authentication session tickets as expired. This setting is only relevant for users logging in to Sitecore Client and when the Sitecore license has a limited number of concurrent editors. All expired sessions will automatically be removed when a new user tries to log in and the maximum number of concurrent editors has been reached. The default is 60 minutes (1 hour). | Authentication.ClientSessionTimeout | "60" |
7 | PHYSICAL MEMBERSHIP WILDCARD Specifies the default membership wildcard used by the providers. Default: % | Authentication.DefaultMembershipProviderWildcard | "%" |
8 | SAVE RAW URL ON LOGIN Specifies whether the original request URL is passed to the login page (saved in 'url' query string parameter). Default: false | Authentication.SaveRawUrl | "false" |
9 | VIRTUAL MEMBERSHIP WILDCARD Specifies the membership wildcard to use in high level code. Default: * | Authentication.VirtualMembershipWildcard | "*" |
10 | CLIENT PERSISTENT LOGIN DURATION Specifies the number of days before client "remember me" information expires. The default is 180 days. | Authentication.ClientPersistentLoginDuration | "180" |
11 | AUTOMATIC DATA BIND Indicates if the data bind function is run automatically | AutomaticDataBind | "false" |
12 | AUTOMATIC LOCK ON SAVE If true, the a lock is automatically taken on an item when a user saves the item. | AutomaticLockOnSave | "false" |
13 | AUTOMATIC UNLOCK ON SAVED If true, the a saved item is automatically unlocked after saving. | AutomaticUnlockOnSaved | "false" |
14 | BEGIN REQUEST ON POST AUTHENTICATE If true, then httpRequestBegin pipeline is executed on PostAuthenticateRequest event. If false, then httpRequestBegin pipeline is executed on BeginRequest event. Default: true. | BeginRequestOnPostAuthenticate | "true" |
15 | ACCESS RESULT CACHE SIZE Determines the size of the access result cache. Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB A value of 0 (zero) disables the cache. | Caching.AccessResultCacheSize | "40MB" |
16 | AVERAGE ITEM SIZE The average size of an item in bytes (used when caching items). Default: 5000 | Caching.AverageItemSize | "5000" |
17 | CACHE VIEWSTATE Indicates if ViewState is cached. Set this to false to ease memory pressure. See also Caching.DefaultViewStateCacheSize. | Caching.CacheViewState | "true" |
18 | CLIENT DATA CACHE SIZE Determines the default size of the client data cache of a database Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB | Caching.DefaultClientDataCacheSize | "25MB" |
19 | DATA CACHE SIZE Determines the default size of the data cache of a database Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB | Caching.DefaultDataCacheSize | "50MB" |
20 | FILTERED ITEMS CACHE SIZE Determines the default size of the filtered items cache of a site Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB A value of 0 (zero) disables the cache by default. Default value: 10MB | Caching.DefaultFilteredItemsCacheSize | "10MB" |
21 | HTML CACHE SIZE Determines the default size of the html cache of a site Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB | Caching.DefaultHtmlCacheSize | "25MB" |
22 | ITEM PATHS CACHE SIZE Determines the default size of the item paths cache of a database Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB | Caching.DefaultItemPathsCacheSize | "50MB" |
23 | PATH CACHE SIZE Determines the default size of the path cache of a database Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB | Caching.DefaultPathCacheSize | "500KB" |
24 | REGISTRY CACHE SIZE Determines the default size of the registry cache of a site Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB | Caching.DefaultRegistryCacheSize | "25MB" |
25 | VIEWSTATE CACHE SIZE Determines the default size of the viewstate cache of a site Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB | Caching.DefaultViewStateCacheSize | "25MB" |
26 | XSL CACHE SIZE Determines the default size of the xsl cache of a site Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB | Caching.DefaultXslCacheSize | "50MB" |
27 | CACHING - DISABLE CACHE SIZE LIMITS If true, Sitecore does not limit cache size growth and ignores any maximum cache sizes specified in the web.config file. Enabling this setting can improve the application's performance in 64-bit environments by allowing Sitecore to take full advantage of the available memory. After setting this value to true, monitor the system at regular intervals, as this configuration can cause Sitecore to consume too much memory and cause Out Of Memory errors. It is only recommended to set the setting to true in 64-bit environments. Default value: false | Caching.DisableCacheSizeLimits | "false" |
28 | CACHING ENABLED Determines if caching should be enabled at all Specify 'true' to enable caching and 'false' to disable all caching | Caching.Enabled | "true" |
29 | FAST MEDIA CACHE MAP SIZE Determines the size of the fast media cache map cache. Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB | Caching.FastMediaCacheMapSize | "1MB" |
30 | HTML LIFETIME The lifetime of HTML fragments added to the cache. Default value: 00:00:00 (ie. eternal life) | Caching.HtmlLifetime | "00:00:00" |
31 | ISUSERINROLE CACHE SIZE Determines the size of the IsInRole cache, which improves the performance of security providers by caching user/role relationships. Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB Default value: 5MB. | Caching.IsUserInRoleCacheSize | "5MB" |
32 | CACHING - CACHE KEY INDEXING ENABLED - ACCESS RESULT CACHE Determines whether or not the system uses extended indexed storage for the cache keys of the AccessResultCache. Using indexed storage for cache keys can in certain scenarios significantly reduce the time it takes to perform partial cache clearing of the AccessResultCache. This setting is useful on large solutions where the size of this cache is very large and where partial cache clearing causes a measurable overhead. However, enabling this setting on content management servers with many editors and many content items can degrade performance. Default value: false | Caching.CacheKeyIndexingEnabled.AccessResultCache | "false" |
33 | CACHING - CACHE KEY INDEXING ENABLED - ITEM CACHE Determines whether or not the system uses extended indexed storage for the cache keys of the ItemCache. Using indexed storage for cache keys can in certain scenarios significantly reduce the time it takes to perform partial cache clearing of the ItemCache. This setting is useful on large solutions where the size of this cache is very large and where partial cache clearing causes a measurable overhead. However, enabling this setting on content management servers with many editors, many languages, and/or many versions can degrade performance. Default value: false | Caching.CacheKeyIndexingEnabled.ItemCache | "false" |
34 | CACHING - CACHE KEY INDEXING ENABLED - ITEM PATHS CACHE Determines whether or not the system uses extended indexed storage for the cache keys of the ItemPathsCache. Using indexed storage for cache keys can in certain scenarios significantly reduce the time it takes to perform partial cache clearing of the ItemPathsCache. This setting is useful on large solutions where the size of this cache is very large and where partial cache clearing causes a measurable overhead. However, enabling this setting on content management servers with many editors, many languages, and/or many content items can degrade performance. Default value: false | Caching.CacheKeyIndexingEnabled.ItemPathsCache | "false" |
35 | CACHING - CACHE KEY INDEXING ENABLED - PATH CACHE Determines whether or not the system uses extended indexed storage for cache keys of the PathCache. Using indexed storage for PathCache keys insignificantly slows adding item paths to the PathCache. However, it can drastically reduce the time it takes to perform partial cache clearing of the PathCache. This setting is useful on large solutions where items are frequently renamed, moved, copied and deleted. Default value: false | Caching.CacheKeyIndexingEnabled.PathCache | "false" |
36 | ITEM CACHING ENABLED Determines if caching of items should be enabled Specify 'true' to enable caching and 'false' to disable | Caching.ItemCachingEnabled | "true" |
37 | LOAD FACTOR The default load factor to use for cached values. The size of all cached values are multiplied with this value before being added to the cache. | Caching.LoadFactor | "1.0" |
38 | MAXIMUM LOAD FACTOR The maximum load factor to use for cached values. The load factor might be increased up to this value during heavy memory load. | Caching.MaxLoadFactor | "3.0" |
39 | SCAVENGE INTERVAL Determines how often scavengable caches are scavenged. Default value: 3 minutes. | Caching.ScavengeInterval | "00:03:00" |
40 | SECURITY CACHE EXPIRATION Sets the absolute expiration on the cached security data. A value of 00:00:00 disables automatic expiration of security caches. Default value: 00:00:00 | Caching.SecurityCacheExpiration | "00:00:00" |
41 | STANDARD VALUES SIZE The average size of a standard values. Default value: 100. | Caching.StandardValues.AverageValueSize | "100" |
42 | STANDARD VALUES CACHE SIZE The default size of the standard value cache. Default value: 5MB. | Caching.StandardValues.DefaultCacheSize | "5MB" |
43 | USER PROFILE CACHE SIZE Determines the size of the user profile cache size, which improves the performance of security providers by caching profile properties. Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB Default value: 5MB. | Caching.UserProfileCacheSize | "5MB" |
44 | LAYOUT FIELD DELTA CACHE SIZE Determines the size of the layoutDelta cahce size, which improves the performance of generating layout delta of layout fields. Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB Default value: 50MB. | Caching.LayoutFieldDeltaCacheSize | "50MB" |
45 | ENABLE OR DISABLE CLIENT FEEDS Disable client feeds to remove all links to the feeds from the Sitecore Client and turn off client feed generation. Default value: true, client feeds are enabled. | ClientFeeds.Enabled | "true" |
46 | CLIENT FEEDS ITEM EXPIRATION Items that are older than the specified time interval (in days) will not be included in the client feed. Default value: 0, expiration is disabled. | ClientFeeds.ItemExpiration | "0" |
47 | MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ITEMS IN FEED The maximum number of items to include in the client feed. Default value: 50 | ClientFeeds.MaximumItemsInFeed | "50" |
48 | CONTENT EDITOR CHECK SECURITY ON TREE NODES Determines if the content editor checks the security settings on subitems when rendering the tree. Setting this to false may increase performance. Default value: true. | ContentEditor.CheckSecurityOnTreeNodes | "true" |
49 | CONTENT EDITOR CHECK HASCHILDREN ON TREE NODES Determines if the content editor uses the HasChildren method when rendering a tree node. Setting this to false may increase performance. Default value: true. | ContentEditor.CheckHasChildrenOnTreeNodes | "true" |
50 | CONTENT EDITOR SHOW FIELD SHARING LABELS Determines whether or not the Content Editor displays field sharing labels ([shared] and [unversioned]) to users that are not Sitecore administrators. Default value: false | ContentEditor.ShowFieldSharingLabels | "false" |
51 | CHECK SECURITY ON LANGUAGES Indicates if the security settings on languages are applied to the Content Editor. | CheckSecurityOnLanguages | "true" |
52 | CLIENT LANGUAGE Specifies the default language of the Sitecore client if no language could be determined in any other way. | ClientLanguage | "en" |
53 | CONTENT EDITOR CLASSIC FRAME EVENT PROPAGATION Indicates whether the Content Editor uses classic frame event propagation. In classic propagation all item events are sent to all frames in the content editor. This may hurt server and client performance. If classic mode is not used, only events relating to items that are either selected in the content editor or subitems thereof, are propagated. Default value: false | ContentEditor.ClassicFrameEventPropagation | "false" |
54 | CONTENT EDITOR - RENDER ITEM HELP AS HTML Specifies whether help information defined in the Item Help section should be treated as an HTML markup. If set to false, then the item help information will be encoded before it is rendered. If set to true, then the item help information will be cleared of JavaScript code and then rendered as is. Default value: false. Please note: setting this value to true is unsafe, because it will then be possible to inject any HTML tags (like iframe) and CSS into Sitecore. | ContentEditor.RenderItemHelpAsHtml | "false" |
55 | CONTENT EDITOR SHOW GUTTER Indicates whether the Content Editor show the gutter panel to the left of the treeview as default. Default value: true | ContentEditor.ShowGutter | "true" |
56 | CONTENT EDITOR SHOW SEARCH PANEL Indicates whether the Content Editor show the search panel above the treeview as default Default value: true | ContentEditor.ShowSearchPanel | "true" |
57 | CONTENT EDITOR SHOW VALIDATOR BAR Indicates whether the Content Editor show the validator bar to the right of the content as default. Default value: true | ContentEditor.ShowValidatorBar | "true" |
58 | CONTENT EDITOR SORT LANGUAGES Indicates whether the Content Editor show languages in the language selection dropdown in the same order as /sitecore/system/Languages child items. Default value: false | ContentEditor.SortLanguages | "false" |
59 | ENABLE COUNTERS Indicates if Windows performance counters are enabled. Default value: true | Counters.Enabled | "true" |
60 | COUNTERS INSTANCE NAME Instance name for performance counters. Default value: (value of InstanceName setting) | Counters.InstanceName | "" |
61 | RESET COUNTERS Indicates if performance counters will be reset on Sitecore startup. Default value: true | Counters.ResetOnStartup | "true" |
62 | DATA FOLDER Path to data folder Can be site path (ex. /folder/...) or absolute (ex. c:\folder\...) | DataFolder | "$(dataFolder)" |
63 | DEBUG BORDERS Control html tag used for debug borders (usually span or div) and color | DebugBorderColor | "red" |
64 | | DebugBorderTag | "span" |
65 | DEBUG FOLDER Path to debug folder Can be site path (ex. /folder/...) or absolute (ex. c:\folder\...) | DebugFolder | "$(dataFolder)/debug" |
66 | DEFAULT BASE TEMPLATE The guid of the default base templates. Set the value to the empty string ("") to disable automatic base templates. To create a template that will not use this value, set the templates base template to: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} Default value: the id of the Standard template | DefaultBaseTemplate | "{1930BBEB-7805-471A-A3BE-4858AC7CF696}" |
67 | DEFAULT ICON Default icon for items in the Sitecore client | DefaultIcon | "/sitecore/shell/themes/Standard/Applications/32x32/Document.png" |
68 | START DOCUMENT The document that will be shown first when entering the Sitecore client. Path is rooted in /sitecore/content and must start with /. | DefaultItem | "/home" |
69 | LANGUAGE The default language for the web site. | DefaultLanguage | "en" |
70 | LAYOUT FILE The path to the layout file to use for items that do not specify a layout file themselves. Default value: "" | DefaultLayoutFile | "" |
71 | ISO CODE The culture iso code for users who do not have the Regional ISO Code set in their profile. | DefaultRegionalIsoCode | "" |
72 | DURATION OF BREAK SECONDS The circuit breaker close time after the first dns resolve exception. | DnsResolver.DurationOfBreakSeconds | "300" |
73 | LAYOUT PAGE EVENT The name of page event where the layout pipeline will be run. Presently, there are three valid values: 'preInit', 'init' or 'load'. Default value is: 'preInit'. | LayoutPageEvent | "preInit" |
74 | DEFAULT PUBLISHING TARGETS Pipe separated list of default publishing targets. Targets in this list will be preselected in the Publish dialog. | DefaultPublishingTargets | "" |
75 | DEFAULT SQL TIMEOUT The default timeout for all SQL commands issued by the Sitecore APIs, such as the SqlServerDataProvider, the OracleDataProvider or the SqlUtil classes. Default value: 00:05:00 (5 minutes) | DefaultSQLTimeout | "00:05:00" |
76 | Sort order is used for displaying items in the Sitecore client and for API functions that returns sorted sets. | DefaultSortOrderValue | "100" |
77 | THEME The default theme to use in the Sitecore client | DefaultTheme | "standard" |
78 | DISABLE BROWSER CACHING If true, all pages will have: Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Pragma: no-cache in the http header | DisableBrowserCaching | "true" |
79 | ENABLE EVENT QUEUES If enabled, Sitecore sends local events to the event queue available to remote instances, and handles events in the queue from remote instances. Default value: true | EnableEventQueues | "true" |
80 | ENABLE SITE.CONFIG FILES If true, the SiteResolver pipeline processor checks for the existence of a "site.config" file in the physical subdirectory corresponding to the requested URL. If a "site.config" file exists, Sitecore uses that file to determine the context site (Sitecore.Context.Site) for the current request. For example, when processing a request for the URL http://site.com/parent/child.aspx, Sitecore first checks for the existence of /parent/site.config. Syntax: The site.config files should contain the following XML markup: Default value: false | EnableSiteConfigFiles | "false" |
81 | ENABLE XSLT document() Determine whether XSLT document() support should be enabled. If this is not enabled, it will be an error if the XSLT file contains 'document()' references. Document support can be set for individual XSLT files by using the XslFile.EnableDocument property. Default value: true. | EnableXslDocumentFunction | "true" |
82 | ENABLE XSLT SCRIPTS Determine whether XSLT script support should be enabled. If script support is not enabled, it will be an error if the XSLT file contains script blocks. Default value: false. | EnableXslScripts | "false" |
83 | ERROR HANDLER Url of page handling generic errors | ErrorPage | "/sitecore/service/error.aspx" |
84 | EVENT QUEUE PERSIST STAMP INTERVAL The minimum interval between saving the event queue's last processed event stamp. Default value: 00:00:10 (10 seconds) | EventQueue.PersistStampInterval | "00:00:10" |
85 | EVENT QUEUE PERSIST STAMP MAX AGE The maximum age of remote events to be replayed at application startup. When Sitecore starts, it will check this setting. Remote events that are older than this age will not be replayed. Default value: 00:10:00 (10 minutes) | EventQueue.PersistStampMaxAge | "00:10:00" |
86 | EVENT QUEUE SAVED ITEM REMOTE SERIALIZE ALL FIELDS This setting allows you to specify which fields should be serialized when the item:saved:remote event is triggered. There are two options: 1) Set this setting to 'true' and place all the fields or types that you would not like to serialize in the 'ExcludeField' and/or 'ExcludeType' lists. 2) Set this setting to 'false' and place all the fields and types that you would like to serialize in the 'IncludeField' and/or 'IncludeType' lists. Default value: true. | EventQueue.SavedItemRemote.SerializeAllFields | "true" |
87 | FAST QUERY DESCENDANTS DISABLED Determines whether ability to select items through Ancestors/Descendants axes should be disabled in fast query. Default value: false | FastQueryDescendantsDisabled | "false" |
88 | GET COMPONENTS ENABLE GROUPING Determines whether the ability to use grouping for getComponents pipeline be enabled. Default value: true | GetComponents.EnableGrouping | "true" |
89 | GRID PAGE SIZE Defines the number of rows in a UI grid. Default:15 | GridPageSize | "15" |
90 | FEEDS ITEM EXPIRATION Items that are older than the specified time interval (in days) will not be included in the feed. Default value: 0, expiration is disabled. | Feeds.ItemExpiration | "0" |
91 | MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ITEMS IN FEED The maximum number of items to include in the feed. Default value: 50 | Feeds.MaximumItemsInFeed | "50" |
92 | IGNORE URLS Set IgnoreUrlPrefixes to a '|' separated list of url prefixes that should not be regarded and processed as friendly urls (ie. forms etc.) | IgnoreUrlPrefixes | "/sitecore/default.aspx|/trace.axd|/webresource.axd|/sitecore/shell/Controls/Rich Text Editor/Telerik.Web.UI.DialogHandler.aspx|/sitecore/shell/applications/content manager/telerik.web.ui.dialoghandler.aspx|/sitecore/shell/Controls/Rich Text Editor/Telerik.Web.UI.SpellCheckHandler.axd|/Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd|/sitecore/admin/upgrade/|/layouts/testing|/sitecore/service/xdb/disabled.aspx" |
93 | ITEM CLONING ENABLED Specifies whether the Item Cloning feature is enabled. Default value on CM and Standalone servers: true. Default value on CD, Processing and Reporting servers: false. | ItemCloning.Enabled | "false" |
94 | role:require="ContentManagement or XMCloud or Standalone" | ItemCloning.Enabled | true |
95 | ITEM CLONING NON INHERITED FIELDS Specifies a pipe-separated list of field names or field IDs which should be not be inherited by clones from their source item, in addition to the following fields from the standard template that are never be inherited: Updated, Updated by, Revision, Created, Created by, Source, Workflow, Workflow State, Lock Example: "__Renderings" (or "{F1A1FE9E-A60C-4DDB-A3A0-BB5B29FE732E}") will exclude the __Renderings field (also known as the Layout field) so that clones do not inherit presentation details from their source items. Default value: "" | ItemCloning.NonInheritedFields | "" |
96 | ITEM CLONING - INHERIT WORKFLOW DATA Specify whether you want the workflow and workflow state fields to be inherited by clones from their source item. Note: When you change the setting value, clones move in or out the workflow, which may affect their behavior, for example, on publishing. Default value: false | ItemCloning.InheritWorkflowData | "false" |
97 | ITEM CLONING - FORCE UPDATE Specify whether clones should be updated automatically when: - a new version is added to the original item. - a new language is added to the original item. - a new sub-item is added to the original item. Note: If true, all the clones of the original item are updated automatically. Default value: false | ItemCloning.ForceUpdate | "false" |
98 | ITEM CLONING - DELETE CLONES WITH ORIGINAL ITEM Specifies whether item clones should be deleted when the original item is deleted. If true, when the original item is deleted all its clones are deleted and not just uncloned. Default value: false | ItemCloning.DeleteClonesWithOriginalItem | "false" |
99 | ITEM CLONING - FORCE UPDATE - CHANGE TEMPLATE Specify whether clones should be updated automatically when a different template is selected for the original item. Note: If true, all the clones of the original item are updated automatically. Default value: false | ItemCloning.ForceUpdate.ChangeTemplate | "false" |
100 | ITEM CLONING - RELINK CLONED SUBTREE Indicates that after cloning an item tree structure, all the internal links inside the cloned structure should be re-linked to point to the items in the cloned sub-tree. When the setting value is false, the links in the cloned structure will still link to the items in the original structure. Default value: false | ItemCloning.RelinkClonedSubtree | "false" |
101 | HEALTH MONITOR INTERVAL Specifies the interval between running the healthMonitor pipeline. Default value: 00:10:00 (10 minutes) | HealthMonitorInterval | "00:10:00" |
102 | HEARTBEAT INTERVAL Specifies the interval between heartbeats. Default value: 00:00:02 (2 seconds) | HeartbeatInterval | "00:00:02" |
103 | SITECORE - SERVICES - HEARTBEAT - EXCLUDE CONNECTION Specify the connection strings of the databases to exclude from the heartbeat check. A '|' separated list of the database connection strings that should be excluded from the heartbeat check. Default value: LocalSqlServer | Sitecore.Services.Heartbeat.ExcludeConnection | "LocalSqlServer" |
104 | HTML EDITOR DEFAULT CONFIGURATION TYPE Specifies the type responsible for setting up the rich text editor. Can be overriden at profile level. Must inherit from Sitecore.Shell.Controls.RichTextEditor.EditorConfiguration,Sitecore.Client. Default value: Sitecore.Shell.Controls.RichTextEditor.EditorConfiguration,Sitecore.Client | HtmlEditor.DefaultConfigurationType | "Sitecore.Shell.Controls.RichTextEditor.EditorConfiguration,Sitecore.Client" |
105 | HTML EDITOR DEFAULT PROFILE Path to the default html editor profile. Default value: /sitecore/system/Settings/Html Editor Profiles/Rich Text Default | HtmlEditor.DefaultProfile | "/sitecore/system/Settings/Html Editor Profiles/Rich Text Default" |
106 | HTML EDITOR LINE BREAK Specifies the tag that the HTML editor inserts on Enter. Values can be "br", "div" and "p". | HtmlEditor.LineBreak | "p" |
107 | HTML EDITOR REMOVE SCRIPTS If true, the rich text editor removes script tags and inline scripts from RTE field values before saving. Setting the value to true reduces the potential for cross-site scripting and other script-related issues. Default value: true | HtmlEditor.RemoveScripts | "true" |
108 | HTML EDITOR SUPPORT WEB CONTROLS Indicates if the Html Editor supports web controls. If true, Web Controls are shown as yellow boxes. Default value: true | HtmlEditor.SupportWebControls | "true" |
109 | HTML EDITOR VALIDATOR SERVICE URL Specifies the url that validates XHtml. | HtmlEditor.ValidatorServiceUrl | "http://validator.w3.org/check" |
110 | IMAGES List of file extensions to regard as images when uploading (separated by |). Must begin and end with a pipe character (|) | ImageTypes | "|gif|jpg|png|" |
111 | KEEP LOCK AFTER SAVE FOR ADMIN USERS Set this value to true if you want to Administrator users to keep the lock on an item after saving it in the Page Editor. Notice: For regular users, the "Keep Lock After Save" item in the core database will determine whether to keep the lock or not. Default value: false | KeepLockAfterSaveForAdminUsers | "false" |
112 | PROFILING RENDER FIELD THRESHOLD Defines the threshold value (in milliseconds) for logging long field render operations. Default value: 100 | Profiling.RenderFieldThreshold | "100" |
113 | PROFILING SHEER UI Determines if debug information about Sheer UI request are displayed in the client. | Profiling.SheerUI | "false" |
114 | PROFILING SHEER UI WARNING THRESHOLD Defines the number of milliseconds before logging a long Sheer UI request. Requires that Profiling.SheerUI = "true" | Profiling.SheerUIWarningThreshold | "800" |
115 | ICONS CACHE FOLDER A relative path to the folder used for caching icons (only used when using icons stored in zip files). Default value: $(tempFolder)/IconCache | Icons.CacheFolder | "$(tempFolder)/IconCache" |
116 | USE ZIPPED ICONS Indicates whether to use icons stored in zip files. If you set this to false, all icons must be available as physical files stored in folders below /sitecore/shell/Themes/Standard. Default value: true | Icons.UseZippedIcons | "true" |
117 | INSTANCE NAME Unique name for Sitecore instance. Default value: (machine name and IIS site name) | InstanceName | "" |
118 | INVALID ITEM DISPLAY NAME CHARS Characters that are invalid in display name of an item | InvalidItemDisplayNameChars | "<>"" |
119 | INVALID ITEM NAME CHARS Characters that are invalid in an item name | InvalidItemNameChars | "\/:?"<>|[]" |
120 | ITEM NAME VALIDATION Regular expression for validating item names | ItemNameValidation | "^[\w\*\$][\w\s\-\$]*(\(\d{1,}\)){0,1}$" |
121 | ITEM NAME ALLOW MIXING REPLACEMENT CHARACTERS Specifies whether you can create items with names that contain the values defined in the 'find' and 'replaceWith' properties in the 'encodeNameReplacements' section. Default value: true. | ItemNameAllowMixingReplacementCharacters | "true" |
122 | ITEM NOT FOUND HANDLER Url of page handling 'Item not found' errors | ItemNotFoundUrl | "/sitecore/service/notfound.aspx" |
123 | ITEM RESOLVING - FIND BEST MATCH Specifies the mode in which item resolving tries to find items with names that contain the values defined in the 'find' and 'replaceWith' properties in the 'encodeNameReplacements' section, for example, spaces and dashes. The setting can have the following values: - Disabled - item resolving will not try to match such items. No performance improvement. - Enabled - item resolving will try to find a matching item on each nesting level separately. This value might have a small negative impact on performance. - DeepScan - item resolving will try to match an item by scanning the whole content tree. This value can have a noticeable impact on performance if you have many items with names on the same level with names whose only difference is that they contain characters that are defined in the 'encodeNameReplacement' section. Default value: DeepScan. | ItemResolving.FindBestMatch | "DeepScan" |
124 | JOBS - EXECUTE IN MANAGED THREAD POOL This setting specifies whether jobs should be executed in Sitecore's managed thread pool. If true, jobs are queued to the managed thread pool. If false, Sitecore creates a new thread for each job that is started. Default value: true | Jobs.ExecuteInManagedThreadPool | "true" |
125 | JOB QUEUE INTERVAL Gets the interval between the JobManager checking its queue for pending actions. Default value: "00:00:02" (2 seconds) | Jobs.QueueProcessingInterval | "00:00:02" |
126 | LANGUAGES ALWAYS STRIP LANGUAGE This setting specifies if the StripLanguage processor in the pipeline will parse and remove languages from the URL, even when the languageEmbedding attribute of the linkProvider is set to "never". You should only change this setting to "false" if the default behavior causes problems in your solution. Default value: true | Languages.AlwaysStripLanguage | "true" |
127 | LANGUAGES AUTO REMOVE ITEM DATA Indicates if item data is automatically removed from a database when a language is deleted. Default value: true | Languages.AutoRemoveItemData | "true" |
128 | LANGUAGES AUTO RENAME ITEM DATA Indicates if item data languages are automatically renamed when a language is renamed. Default value: true | Languages.AutoRenameItemData | "true" |
129 | LAYOUT FOLDER The default path to the layout file root folder. The layout folder is the place where layout files (.aspx) and user controls (.ascx) are stored by default. The system will watch this folder for file changes and reload caches etc. as necessary. The value can be a virtual or physical path. Default value: /layouts | LayoutFolder | "/layouts" |
130 | LAYOUT NOT FOUND HANDLER Url of page handling 'Layout not found' errors | LayoutNotFoundUrl | "/sitecore/service/nolayout.aspx" |
131 | REMEMBER LAST LOGGED IN USER NAME Specifies whether Sitecore will remember the last logged in user name on the login page (stored encrypted in a cookie). If you set this to true, the system sets last logged in user name on the login page. Default: false | Login.RememberLastLoggedInUserName | "false" |
132 | LICENSE This value define the physical location of the license file. Can be site path (ex. /folder/...) or absolute (ex. c:\folder\...) | LicenseFile | "$(dataFolder)/license.xml" |
133 | LINK DATABASE - MAXIMUM BATCH SIZE This setting specifies the maximum number of records that Compact method can process in a single iteration. If you set this value too low, it can cause excessive amounts of network traffic and may have a significant impact on system throughput. If you set this value too high, it may affect tasks that require communication with SQL Server. For example, it may affect the size of transactions sent to SQL Server and this might require you to set higher 'lock timeout' values as it takes longer to process large batches. Default: 1000 | LinkDatabase.MaximumBatchSize | "1000" |
134 | LINK DATABASE - UPDATE DURING PUBLISH If true, the system performs incremental updates to the link database during publishing operations. If false, the system does not perform updates to the link database for item operations that occur in the context of a publishing operation. Default: true | LinkDatabase.UpdateDuringPublish | "true" |
135 | LINK ITEM NOT FOUND HANDLER Url of page handling 'Link item not found' errors | LinkItemNotFoundUrl | "/sitecore/service/notfound.aspx" |
136 | LOG FOLDER Path to log folder. This must be the same location as the settings in the log4net section below. Can be site path (ex. /folder/...) or absolute (ex. c:\folder\...) | LogFolder | "$(dataFolder)/logs" |
137 | LOGIN BACKGROUND IMAGE URL Sets the background image used on the login page /sitecore/shell/default.aspx Default value: "//" | Login.BackgroundImageUrl | "/sitecore/login/drop_wallpaper.jpg" |
138 | LOGIN DISABLE AUTOCOMPLETE If false, browsers suggest autocomplete for used editor names on shared/public computers, as an autocomplete="off" attribute is not added on the Sitecore login forms on the /sitecore/login/default.aspx and /sitecore/admin/login.aspx pages. Default value: true | Login.DisableAutoComplete | "true" |
139 | LOGIN DISABLE PASSWORD RECOVERY If true, Sitecore hides the "Forgot Your Password?" link on the login page. Default: false | Login.DisablePasswordRecovery | "false" |
140 | LOGIN DISABLE REMEMBER ME If true, Sitecore disables the "Remember me" checkbox on the login page. Default: false | Login.DisableRememberMe | "false" |
141 | LOGIN DISABLE LICENSE INFROMATION If true, Sitecore hides the "License Information" link on the login page. Default: true | Login.DisableLicenseInfo | "true" |
142 | LOGIN SITECORE URL Specifies the Url of the Sitecore pane on the login startpage. | Login.SitecoreUrl | "https://sdn.sitecore.net/startpage.aspx" |
143 | MAIL SERVER SMTP server used for sending mails by the Sitecore server Is used by MainUtil.SendMail() Default value: "" | MailServer | "" |
144 | MAIL SERVER USER If the SMTP server requires login, enter the user name in this setting | MailServerUserName | "" |
145 | MAIL SERVER PASSWORD If the SMTP server requires login, enter the password in this setting | MailServerPassword | "" |
146 | MAIL SERVER PORT If the SMTP server requires a custom port number, enter the value in this setting. The default value is: 25 | MailServerPort | "25" |
147 | MAIL SERVER SSL If the SMTP server requires SSL, set the value to true. The default value is: false | MailServerUseSsl | "false" |
148 | MASTER VARIABLES REPLACER Specifies that class that will replace variables when creating a new master, e.g. "$id" and "$parentid" | MasterVariablesReplacer | "Sitecore.Data.MasterVariablesReplacer,Sitecore.Kernel.dll" |
149 | MAX TREE DEPTH Specifies the maximum allowed depth of an item tree. Default value: 20 | MaxTreeDepth | "20" |
150 | MAX ITEM NAME Specifies the maximum length of an item name. Default value: 100 | MaxItemNameLength | "100" |
151 | MEDIA FOLDER Root folder of upload folder being watched for new media library files Files copied to this folder (or below) will be automatically added to the media library. Can be site path (ex. /folder/...) or absolute (ex. c:\folder\...) It should be different from Media.FileFolder setting | MediaFolder | "$(mediaFolder)" |
152 | MEDIA ALWAYS INCLUDE SERVER URL If true, Sitecore will generate absolute URLs when it uses the MediaProvider API and/or the link provider to render media URLs. If blank, Sitecore will use the same value as the alwaysIncludeServerUrl attribute from the link provider. Default value: "" (use the value from the link provider) | Media.AlwaysIncludeServerUrl | "" |
153 | MEDIA ALWAYS APPEND REVISION If true, Sitecore will append media item revision when it uses the MediaProvider API and/or the link provider to render media URLs. Default value: false (do not append media item revision) | Media.AlwaysAppendRevision | "false" |
154 | MEDIA - AUTO SET ALT Indicates if the Alt field on the Image template is set automatically to the file path when the image is uploaded. If false, the Alt field is blank. | Media.AutoSetAlt | "false" |
155 | MEDIA - CACHE FILE MEDIA BY MODIFIED DATE If true, in addition to varying by the standard media request parameters such as height and width, Sitecore varies media cache entries for file-based media by both file path and the last modification date of the media file. If false, Sitecore varies file media cache entries only by file path and standard media request parameters and does not account for the last modification date of the file. A false value decreases the number of file system I/O operations performed for each media request, but could cause Sitecore to serve stale data for file media items if a process other than the Sitecore CMS user interfaces initiated that change. Default value: true | Media.CacheFileMediaByModifiedDate | "true" |
156 | MEDIA - CACHE FOLDER The folder under which media files are cached by the system. Default value: /App_Data/MediaCache | Media.CacheFolder | "/App_Data/MediaCache" |
157 | MEDIA - CACHING ENABLED Indicates if caching of media files is enabled. Default value: true | Media.CachingEnabled | "true" |
158 | MEDIA - DEFAULT IMAGE BACKGROUND COLOR The default background color for dynamically resizing images to different aspect ratios than the originals. Sitecore applies this background color only for image types that do not support transparency (image/jpeg, image/gif and image/bmp). When resizing any other image types (including image/png), Sitecore always applies a transparent background. You can specify a color name (such as Black or Red) or a hex color code (such as #CE55E2). If you specify no value, Sitecore applies a black background color when resizing such images. Default value: "" | Media.DefaultImageBackgroundColor | "" |
159 | MEDIA - IMAGE FORMAT The default ImageFormat to use when it's not possible to deduce this from an extension. The value must be parsable to a valid System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat value. If the value is not set, the Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaConfig.GetImageFormat() method may return null causing image functions to fail. | Media.DefaultImageFormat | "Jpeg" |
160 | MEDIA - ENABLE RANGE RETRIEVAL REQUEST Enables or disables range retrieval requests (see http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.35.2) | Media.EnableRangeRetrievalRequest | "true" |
161 | MEDIA - FILE FOLDER The folder under which media files are stored by the system. Default value: /App_Data/MediaFiles It should be different from MediaFolder setting | Media.FileFolder | "/App_Data/MediaFiles" |
162 | MEDIA - FILE SYSTEM WATCHER - BUFFER SIZE The size (in bytes) of the internal buffer used by the file system watchers that monitor the file system change notifications and raise events when a directory, or file in a directory, changes. If you get log entries about internal buffer overflow, increasing the value of this setting may solve this problem. The minimum size is 4096 (4 KB). The maximum size is 65536 (64 KB). Be aware that increasing this value could hurt performance. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.filesystemwatcher.internalbuffersize%28v=vs.110%29.aspx. Default value: 8192 | Media.FileSystemWatcher.BufferSize | "8192" |
163 | MEDIA - USE FILE EXTENSION IN ITEM NAMES Indicating whether to include a file extension when generating an item name from a file name. Default value: "false" | Media.IncludeExtensionsInItemNames | "false" |
164 | MEDIA - INTERPOLATION The interpolation mode to use when resizing images. See also the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode enum. Valid values: Bicubic Bilinear Default High HighQualityBicubic HighQualityBilinear Low NearestNeighbor Default value: High | Media.InterpolationMode | "High" |
165 | MEDIA LOWER CASE URLs If true, Sitecore will generate lower case URLs when it uses the MediaProvider API and/or the link provider to render media URLs. If blank, Sitecore will use the same value as the lowercaseUrls attribute from the link provider. Default value: "" (use the value from the link provider) | Media.LowercaseUrls | "" |
166 | MEDIA - MAX IMAGE WIDTH Gets the max width of the image in a Rich Text field. Default value: 0 | Media.MaxImageWidth | "0" |
167 | MEDIA - MAX SIZE IN DATABASE The maximum allowed size of media intended to be stored in a database (binary blob). This value must be less than the ASP.NET httpRuntime.maxRequestLength setting. Default value: 500MB | Media.MaxSizeInDatabase | "500MB" |
168 | MEDIA - MAX SIZE IN MEMORY The maximum size of media to load into memory for processing (resizing etc.). Default value: 40MB | Media.MaxSizeInMemory | "40MB" |
169 | MEDIA - MEDIA LINK PREFIX The prefix to use when Sitecore generates media links. The setting is used in the front-end as well as the back-end. Notice: If you specify a custom media link prefix, you must also add a corresponding entry to the section. If the value is not set, the default media request prefix will be used (which by default is "-/media") Default value: "" | Media.MediaLinkPrefix | "" |
170 | MEDIA - MEDIA LINK SERVER URL The server URL to use when Sitecore generates media links and when Media.AlwaysIncludeServerUrl is set to true and mediaLinkServerUrl on the site definition is not set. This is typically used when all media is served from one or more dedicated instances or when your solution is configured to store Sitecore media on a content delivery network. The URL must use this format: ://, for example http://example.com If the value is not set, the URL of the current server will be used. Default value: "" | Media.MediaLinkServerUrl | "" |
171 | MEDIA - OPEN CONTENT EDITOR AFTER UPLOAD Determines if the content editor must be opened after a file has been uploaded. This ensures that users will supply meta data for the new media item. Default value: true | Media.OpenContentEditorAfterUpload | "true" |
172 | MEDIA - RESIZING MAX HEIGHT Maximum height for dynamically resized images. If the requested height exceeds this value, Sitecore resizes the image to this height. A value of 0 disables this height limit. Default value: 1024 | Media.Resizing.MaxHeight | "1024" |
173 | MEDIA - RESIZING MAX WIDTH Maximum width for dynamically resized images. If the requested width exceeds this value, Sitecore resizes the image to this width. A value of 0 disables this width limit. Default value: 1280 | Media.Resizing.MaxWidth | "1280" |
174 | MEDIA - RESIZING - QUALITY Specifies the level of compression to use when resizing images. See also the System.Drawing.Imaging.Encoder.Quality field. The range of values is 0 (lowest quality) to 100 (highest quality). Default value: 95 | Media.Resizing.Quality | "95" |
175 | MEDIA - RESIZING - COMPOSITING MODE Specifies how the source colors are combined with the background colors when resizing images. See also the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode enum. Valid values: SourceOver (the source color is blended with the background color, as determined by the alpha component of the source color) SourceCopy (the source color overwrites the background color) Default value: SourceCopy | Media.Resizing.CompositingMode | "SourceCopy" |
176 | MEDIA - RESIZING - PIXEL OFFSET MODE Specifies how pixels are offset when resizing images. See also the System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode enum. Valid values: Default (default) HighSpeed (high speed, low quality) HighQuality (high quality, low speed) None (no pixel offset) Half (pixels are offset by -.5 units, for high speed antialiasing) Default value: Half | Media.Resizing.PixelOffsetMode | "Half" |
177 | MEDIA - REQUEST EXTENSION The extension to use in media request URLs. If the value is not set, the Extension field of the individual media items will be used (ie. JPG, GIF, etc.) Default value: "" | Media.RequestExtension | "" |
178 | STREAM BUFFER Block size used when writing media to the response stream. Default: 100000 | Media.StreamBufferSize | "100000" |
179 | UPLOAD AS FILES The setting is obsolete and will be removed in a future release. File-based media is deprecated. For supported media storage options see https://doc.sitecore.com/xp/en/developers/103/sitecore-experience-manager/blob-storage-and-sitecore-media-items.html Controls whether Sitecore stores media as files. Default: false | Media.UploadAsFiles | "false" |
180 | MEDIA - UPLOAD AS VERSIONABLE AS DEFAULT This setting controls if uploaded media is versionable by default or not. | Media.UploadAsVersionableByDefault | "false" |
181 | MEDIA - USE ITEM PATHS FOR URLS This setting controls if item paths are used for constructing media URLs. If false, short ids will be used. Default value: true | Media.UseItemPaths | "true" |
182 | MEDIA - USE LEGACY RESIZING This setting controls whether to use legacy resizing (ie. bypass the Sitecore.ImageLib library). Default value: false | Media.UseLegacyResizing | "false" |
183 | MEDIA - STREAM PARTIALLY CACHED FILES Indicates whether to start streaming files before they have been fully written to the cache. Default value: true. | Media.StreamPartiallyCachedFiles | "true" |
184 | MEDIA - WHITESPACE REPLACEMENT The character to use when replacing whitespace in the names of uploaded media. Default value: A single space character. | Media.WhitespaceReplacement | " " |
185 | REMOVE UNUSED BLOBS ON SAVE Specifies whether unused blobs should be deleted from an item when it is saved. This setting only checks items that contain blob fields. To improve performance during a bulk upload of media files, set this setting to "false". When this setting is set to "false", you must run the CleanupDatabase task periodically. Default value: true. | RemoveUnusedBlobsOnSave | "true" |
186 | MEDIA RESPONSE - CACHEABILITY The cacheability to use in media response headers. Possible values: NoCache, Private, Public, Server, ServerAndNoCache, ServerAndPrivate Default value: private | MediaResponse.Cacheability | "private" |
187 | MEDIA RESPONSE - CacheExtensions The cache extension(s) to use in media response headers. Default value: "" | MediaResponse.CacheExtensions | "" |
188 | MEDIA RESPONSE - MAX AGE The max age to use in media response headers. Set it to "00:00:00" to omit this header. Default value: 7.00:00:00 (seven days) | MediaResponse.MaxAge | "7.00:00:00" |
189 | MEDIA RESPONSE - SLIDING EXPIRATION The sliding expiration to use in media response headers. Set it to "" to omit this header. To include it, use "true" or "false". Default value: "" | MediaResponse.SlidingExpiration | "" |
190 | MEDIA RESPONSE - VARY HEADER Specifies the value for the Vary HTTP header to use in media response headers. Set it to "" to omit this header. Default value: "" | MediaResponse.VaryHeader | "" |
191 | ACCESS DENIED HANDLER Url of page handling 'Acess denied' errors | NoAccessUrl | "/sitecore/service/noaccess.aspx" |
192 | NO LICENSE FOUND HANDLER Url of page handling missing license errors | NoLicenseUrl | "/sitecore/service/nolicense.aspx" |
193 | PACKAGE PATH Specifies the path where packages are located. | PackagePath | "$(dataFolder)/packages" |
194 | PAGE STATE STORE Specifies the type responsible for storing SheerUI page state. Must implement the IPageStateStore interface. Possible values are "DatabasePageStateStore" or "FilePageStateStore". Default value: Sitecore.Web.UI.FilePageStateStore, Sitecore.Kernel | PageStateStore | "Sitecore.Web.UI.FilePageStateStore, Sitecore.Kernel" |
195 | PAGE PREVIEW SITE NAME Specifies the name of the site that is used to generate page previews, for example "website". If blank, Sitecore uses the value in the Preview.DefaultSite setting. Default value: "" (use the value of the Preview.DefaultSite setting) | PagePreview.SiteName | "" |
196 | PAGE PREVIEW SESSION EXPIRATION PERIOD Specifies the period of time during which page previews are valid. Default value: 365.00:00:00 (1 year) | PagePreview.SessionExpirationPeriod | "365.00:00:00" |
197 | PAGE PREVIEW MAX PREVIEW SESSIONS COUNT Specifies the maximum number of preview sessions that are stored for a language version of an item. Default value: 32 | PagePreview.MaxSessionsCount | "32" |
198 | PORTAL PRINCIPAL RESOLVER Returns an IPortalPrincipalResolver interface that resolves the current portal user. | PortalPrincipalResolver | "Sitecore.Web.UI.Portal.PortalPrincipalResolver,Sitecore.Kernel" |
199 | PORTAL Storage Returns an IPortalStorage which fetches data for the current portal user. | PortalStorage | "Sitecore.Web.UI.Portal.PortalCookieStorage,Sitecore.Kernel" |
200 | PREVIEW - RESOLVE SITE If false, the Preview.DefaultSite setting specifies the context site to use when a user previews an item. If true, when a user previews an item, Sitecore tries to resolve the root item and the context site based on the current content language and the path to the item. If Sitecore cannot resolve the context site, it uses the site that is specified in the Preview.DefaultSite setting. Default value: true | Preview.ResolveSite | "true" |
201 | PROCESS HISTORY The number of process histories to show in the log file at startup. Set to 0 (zero) to disable | ProcessHistoryCount | "1" |
202 | PROCESSING - MAX DEGREE OF PARALLELISM This setting defines the maximum number of locks that can be stored in the LockSet collection that controls parallel execution. The classes that use the LockSet collection and are affected by the setting: DataEngine, SQLDataProvider, SQLServerClientDataStore, SQLServerDataProvider, SQLLinkDatabase, Pipeline, SqlRolesInRolesProvider. The optimal value for this setting depends on your solution and on the CPU capacity of the server. We highly recommend that you perform tests with the expected load before you change this setting in a production environment. Default value: 256 | Processing.MaxDegreeOfParallelism | "256" |
203 | PUBLISHING SECURITY Check security rights when publishing? When CheckSecurity=true, Read rights are required for all source items. When it is determined that an item should be updated or created in the target database, Write right is required on the source item. If it is determined that the item should be deleted from target database, Delete right is required on the target item. In summary, only the Read, Write and Delete rights are used. All other rights are ignored. Default value: false | Publishing.CheckSecurity | "false" |
204 | PUBLISHING REVISIONS Compare revisions while publishing? | Publishing.CompareRevisions | "true" |
205 | PUBLISHING - DISABLE DATABASE CACHES Provides a default value for the PublishContext class that indicates whether to populate the database caches with the data that is retrieved during publishing. The value you specify is used for incremental publishing operations. For other publishing operations, the default value specified in this setting is overridden by the OverridePublishContext processor in the publish pipeline to match the type of publishing operation. If true, Sitecore publishes the items as usual, but does not populate the database caches with the item data that is retrieved during the publishing operation. This can significantly reduce the amount of memory used by the ASP.NET worker process, especially in solutions with a large number of items, versions, and languages. If false, the item data is cached during publishing as usual. Default value: false | Publishing.DisableDatabaseCaches | "false" |
206 | PUBLISHING - EXECUTE IN MANAGED THREAD POOL This setting specifies whether publishing jobs should be executed in Sitecore's managed thread pool. If true, publishing jobs are queued to the managed thread pool. If false, Sitecore creates a new thread for each publishing job. Default value: false | Publishing.ExecuteInManagedThreadPool | "false" |
207 | PUBLISHING LOG INTERVAL Interval between logging published item info to the log. Set to 0 (zero) to disable. | Publishing.LogInterval | "0" |
208 | PUBLISHING - MAX DEGREE OF PARALLELISM This setting allows you to limit the number of concurrent publishing operations. You must enable the /App_Config/Include/Sitecore.Publishing.Parallel.config file for this setting to take effect. Important: changing the value of this setting to anything other than the default value '1' and enabling the Sitecore.Publishing.Parallel.config file will increase the load on the database server. If the value is set to -1, there is no limit on the number of concurrently running operations. Default value: 1 | Publishing.MaxDegreeOfParallelism | "1" |
209 | PUBLISHING PUBLISH DIALOG POLLING INTERVAL Defines the interval in ms with which the Publish Dialog requests the server for the publishing status. | Publishing.PublishDialogPollingInterval | "500" |
210 | PUBLISHING PUBLISH EMPTY ITEMS Specifies whether empty items (i.e. items without publishable versions) should be published. Default value: false | Publishing.PublishEmptyItems | "false" |
211 | PUBLISHING INSTANCE Assigns the instance name of dedicated Sitecore installation for publishing operations. When empty, all publishing operations are performed on the local installation of Sitecore. Default vaue: (empty) | Publishing.PublishingInstance | "" |
212 | PUBLISHING DEEP SCAN RELATED ITEM This setting specifies that all the subitems of the item being published are scanned recursively for changes and that all the changed items are published. Default vaue: true | Publishing.DeepScanRelatedItems | "true" |
213 | PUBLISHING - RECOVERY - ENABLED Determines whether the system should restart interrupted publishing operations after a system failure, such as server restart. To activate this feature, you must enable the /App_Config/Include/Sitecore.Publishing.Recovery.config file which overrides this setting and provides additional configuration. Default value: false | Publishing.Recovery.Enabled | "false" |
214 | PUBLISHING SECURITY Check delete rights on target item when publishing? Default value: true | Publishing.RequireTargetDeleteRightWhenCheckingSecurity | "true" |
215 | PUBLISHING STATUS UPDATE INTERVAL The time between updating the status cache for running publishing jobs. Default value: 00:00:02 | Publishing.StatusUpdateInterval | "00:00:02" |
216 | PUBLISHING PRIORITY The thread priority of publishing jobs. Valid values: Lowest, BelowNormal, Normal, AboveNormal, Highest Default value: BelowNormal | Publishing.ThreadPriority | "BelowNormal" |
217 | TIME BEFORE PUBLISHING STATUS EXPIRES The time before a cached status registration expires. Default value: 02:00:00 | Publishing.TimeBeforeStatusExpires | "02:00:00" |
218 | NO PUBLISHABLE CONTENT FOUND The URL of the page that handles errors if no publishable item or version of an item can be found. | NoPublishableUrl | "/sitecore/service/nopublishable.aspx" |
219 | Query.MaxItems Specifies the max number of items in a query result set. If the number is 0, all items are returned. This may affect system performance, if a large query result is returned. This also controls the number of items in Lookup, Multilist and Valuelookup fields. Default value: 100 | Query.MaxItems | "100" |
220 | RECYCLE BIN If true, when deleting items in the client, they will be moved to the recycle bin rather than being deleted Default value: true | RecycleBinActive | "true" |
221 | RENDERING - HTML ENCODED FIELD TYPES Specifies a pipe-separated list of field types that should be HTML encoded when rendered by the pipeline. Default value: text|single-line text|multi-line text | Rendering.HtmlEncodedFieldTypes | "text|single-line text|multi-line text" |
222 | IMAGES AS XHTML Indicate whether to render images as XHTML. Default value: true | Rendering.ImagesAsXhtml | "true" |
223 | DUPLICATE PLACEHOLDERS Indicate whether to process duplicate placeholders Default value: false | Rendering.ProcessDuplicatePlaceholders | "false" |
224 | SITE RESOLVING While rendering item links, some items may belong to different site. Setting this to true make LinkManager try to resolve target site in order to use the right host name. Default value: true | Rendering.SiteResolving | "true" |
225 | INCLUDE START ITEM Controls whether an item must be under site startItem (true) or under site rootPath (false) to belong to the site. Default value: true | Rendering.SiteResolvingIncludeStartItem | "true" |
226 | RENDERING - SITE RESOLVING MATCH CURRENT LANGUAGE Affects how cross-site links are rendered when Rendering.SiteResolving is enabled. If true, the link provider will take the language attribute of the site definitions into consideration when resolving which site/hostname to use when rendering a cross-site link. Default value: true | Rendering.SiteResolvingMatchCurrentLanguage | "true" |
227 | RENDERING - SITE RESOLVING MATCH CURRENT SITE Affects how cross-site links are rendered when Rendering.SiteResolving is enabled. If true, the link provider will check if the target item is located under the start item for the current site before it tries to find a match in the full list of site definitions. This ensures that when the target item can be resolved using the current site, the target link will not change to a different site/hostname. Default value: true | Rendering.SiteResolvingMatchCurrentSite | "true" |
228 | RENDERING - SITE RESOLVING MATCH DATABSE Affects how links are rendered when Rendering.SiteResolving is enabled. If true, the link provider will check if the target item database name matches a site database attribute. This ensures that the correct site is resolved when sites have different databases but the same rootPath and language. Default value: true | Rendering.SiteResolvingMatchDatabase | "true" |
229 | USE SERVER-SIDE REDIRECT FOR REQUEST ERRORS If true, Sitecore will use Server.Transfer instead of Response.Redirect to redirect request to service pages when an error occurs (item not found, access denied etc). Default value: false | RequestErrors.UseServerSideRedirect | "false" |
230 | REQUIRE LOCK BEFORE EDITING If true, the user must have a lock on a document before he can edit it, otherwise it is always ready for editing | RequireLockBeforeEditing | "true" |
231 | SEARCH CLASSIC SEARCH MAX RESULTS Specifies the maximum number of results to return when using the Search application (classic search) to search. If the value is set to 0, all the items that match the query are returned. Default value: 15 | Search.ClassicSearch.MaxResults | "15" |
232 | SEARCH CONTENT TREE SEARCH MAX RESULTS Specifies the maximum number of results to return when using the search panel above the content tree to search. If the value is set to 0, all the items that match the query are returned. Default value: 25 | Search.ContentTreeSearch.MaxResults | "25" |
233 | SEARCH INSTANT SEARCH MAX RESULTS Specifies the maximum number of results to return when using the instant search panel (on the status bar in the Sitecore Desktop) to search. If the value is set to 0, all the items that match the query are returned. Default value: 15 | Search.InstantSearch.MaxResults | "15" |
234 | SESSION EXPIRATION THREAD COUNT Specifies the number of threads that should run simultaneously to process the work items in the queue when a session expires. If the value is not set, or the setting is omitted altogether, the Environment.ProcessorCount value is used. Default value: | SessionExpirationThreadCount | "" |
235 | SESSION PROCESSING INTERVAL The time in seconds between processing batches of expired sessions when the number of expired sessions is less than the defined batch size. Measured in seconds. Default value: 5 | SessionExpirationProcessingInterval | "5" |
236 | SESSION EXPIRATION BATCH SIZE The number of expired sessions that are processed in a batch. Default value: 100 | SessionExpirationBatchSize | "100" |
237 | RULES - MAX CACHED RULES Determines the size of the rules cache. Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB A value of 0 (zero) disables the cache. Default value: 4MB | Rules.MaxCachedRules | "4MB" |
238 | RULES - ITEM EVENT HANDLERS - RUN DURING PUBLISHING Specifies whether the rule item handlers should be fired during publishing when an item is saved, deleted, or when an item version is removed. This setting only affects the instance that runs the publishing operation. To suppress rules execution on content delivery instances, use the Rules.ItemEventHandlers.SupportedDatabases setting. Default value: true | Rules.ItemEventHandlers.RunDuringPublishing | "true" |
239 | RULES - ITEM EVENT HANDLERS - SUPPORTED DATABASES Specifies a pipe-separated list of database names. For example: "core|master". The rule item event handlers that normally fire when an item is saved, deleted, or an item version is removed, are only fired for the specified databases. For example, on content delivery instances, you can use this setting to disable the rule item event handlers in the web database to prevent performance degradation during publishing due to rules execution. If blank, the item event handlers are executed for every Sitecore database. Default value: "" | Rules.ItemEventHandlers.SupportedDatabases | "" |
240 | SERVER TIME ZONE This setting specifies the server time zone that is used by the server to convert UTC time to local time, for example "GMT Standard Time". The value must be parsable to a valid Time Zone ID. See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg154758.aspx If blank, Sitecore uses the operating system time zone. Default value: "" (use the operating system time zone) | ServerTimeZone | "" |
241 | COLLECT RENDERING DATA Indicates if renderings statistics should be collected. Default value: true | Statistics.CollectRenderingData | "true" |
242 | TASKS - EMAIL REMINDER SUBJECT The subject to use for email reminders. Default value: Reminder from Sitecore | Tasks.EmailReminderSubject | "Reminder from Sitecore" |
243 | TASKS - EMAIL REMINDER STANDARD TEXT The leading text to use for email reminders. Custom text will be appended. Default value: This is a reminder from Sitecore regarding the item: '{item}' in the database '{database}' | Tasks.EmailReminderText | "This is a reminder from Sitecore regarding the item: '{item}' in the database '{database}'" |
244 | TEMP FOLDER Folder used for temporary files | TempFolder | "$(tempFolder)" |
245 | THUMBNAILS BACKGROUND COLOR The background color for thumbnails - must be on the form #RRGGBB. | ThumbnailsBackgroundColor | "#FFFFFF" |
246 | VALIDATORS.AUTOMATICUPDATE Indicating whether validators are automatically run in the content editor. | Validators.AutomaticUpdate | "true" |
247 | VALIDATORS.UPDATEDELAY The delay in ms after a key was press until a update request is send. | Validators.UpdateDelay | "750" |
248 | UI CALENDAR TIME OF DAY Defines the default time of day when the user user the calendar drop down to select a day. The drop down does not allow the user to set the time of day. | UI.CalendarTimeOfDay | "12:00:00" |
249 | UPLOAD CLASSIC Indicates if uploading runs in classic (no flash) mode. Default: false | Upload.Classic | "false" |
250 | SIMPLE UPLOAD OVERWRITING Indicates if simple upload dialog has overwriting on. Default: false | Upload.SimpleUploadOverwriting | "false" |
251 | REDIRECT URL PREFIXES Pipe-separated list of URL prefixes to redirect. To support IIS authentication, configure redirection for all URLs secured with IIS authentication. Otherwise, URLs containing embedded languages in the URL might be able to bypass IIS security, which could result in a vulnerability. For example, under the default configuration, Sitecore redirects URLs such as "/en/sitecore" to "/sitecore?sc_lang=en" to ensure that IIS authentication is enforced for such URLs. Default value: /sitecore | RedirectURLPrefixes | "/sitecore" |
252 | UNLOCK COPIED ITEMS A value indicating whether to unlock items after copying. Only the copies are unlocked. The original items stay locked. Default value: true. | UnlockAfterCopy | "true" |
253 | VERSION FILE PATH The path to the version file. Default value: /sitecore/shell/sitecore.version.xml | VersionFilePath | "/sitecore/shell/sitecore.version.xml" |
254 | VERSION INSTALL MODE FOR NEW ITEMS Sets the default installation mode for the versions of new items when installing a Sitecore package. Merge - merge versions by version number Append - append version if version with same revision number is not exists Default value: Append | VersionInstallModeForNewItems | "Append" |
255 | VIEWSTATE STORE Specifies the type responsible for storing SheerUI viewstate. Must implement the IViewStateStore interface. Possible values are "Sitecore.Data.DataProviders.DatabaseViewStateStore,Sitecore.Kernel" or "Sitecore.Web.UI.Sheer.FileViewStateStore,Sitecore.Kernel". Default value: Sitecore.Web.UI.Sheer.FileViewStateStore,Sitecore.Kernel | ViewStateStore | "Sitecore.Web.UI.Sheer.FileViewStateStore,Sitecore.Kernel" |
256 | WEB EDIT JQuery UI STYLESHEET The stylesheet to include in the page editor in WebEdit mode. Default value: /sitecore/shell/Controls/Lib/jQuery/jQueryUI/1.13.2/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css | WebEdit.JQueryUIStylesheet | "/sitecore/shell/Controls/Lib/jQuery/jQueryUI/1.13.2/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css" |
257 | WEB SITE STYLESHEET CSS file for HTML content of Sitecore database. The file pointed to by WebStylesheet setting is automatically included in Html and Rich Text fields. By using it, you can make the content of HTML fields look the same as the actual Web Site | WebStylesheet | "/default.css" |
258 | LOGIN MESSAGES These are the messages that are shown on the login page of the Sitecore client | WelcomeTitle | "Welcome to Sitecore" |
259 | WORKBOX - SINGLE COMMENT FOR BULK OPERATION Enables using a single comment for workflow bulk actions. Default value: false | Workbox.SingleCommentForBulkOperation | "false" |
260 | WORKBOX - STATE COMMAND FILTERING - ITEM THRESHOLD The maximum number of items allowed in a workflow state to perform command filtering for the state when rendered in the workbox. Command filtering per state may have a negative impact on performance for the workbox for large volumes of items in a single workflow state. Default value: 2000 | Workbox.StateCommandFiltering.ItemThreshold | "2000" |
261 | WorldLingo.Enabled Indicates if WorldLingo is enabled. | WorldLingo.Enabled | "false" |
262 | WorldLingo.Url Specifies the Url of the the WorldLingo service. | WorldLingo.Url | "http://www.worldlingo.com/S000.1/api" |
263 | WorldLingo.Password Specifies the Password of the the WorldLingo service. When the password is "secret" the service runs in an evaluation mode - the output language is random and the phrase is limited to 25 words. | WorldLingo.Password | "secret" |
264 | XHTML SCHEMA FILE The file name of the schema file that validates XHTML. Default value: /sitecore/shell/schemas/Sitecore xhtml5.xsd | XHtmlSchemaFile | "/sitecore/shell/schemas/Sitecore xhtml5.xsd" |
265 | XmlControls.ThrowException Specifies if an exception is thrown when an Xml Control cannot be loaded. If true, it might prevent the Sitecore client from working, but it increases debugging. Any errors are written to the log. | XmlControls.ThrowException | "false" |
266 | XmlControls.OutputDebugFiles Specifies if the code for compiled XmlControls will be saved as *.cs file. If true, the *.cs files will be saved in to the debug folders associated with the XmlControls, typically /sitecore/shell/applications/debug or /sitecore/shell/controls/debug. Default value: false | XmlControls.OutputDebugFiles | "false" |
267 | PREVIEW AS ANONYMOUS This setting specifies whether Sitecore will use the Anonymous user account when you preview an item. If true, Sitecore uses the Anonymous user account when you preview an item. If false, Sitecore uses the current user account when you preview an item. Default value: true | Preview.AsAnonymous | "true" |
268 | Preview.DefaultSite Specifies name of the default site for WebEdit preview mode | Preview.DefaultSite | "website" |
269 | EmailValidation The regular expression used for e-mail validation Default: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)*@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?$ | EmailValidation | "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)*@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?$" |
270 | HOST NAME VALIDATION Regular expression for validating Host Name | HostNameValidationPattern | "^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)([a-zA-Z0-9-.]*)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$" |
271 | PROTECT FROM EXTERNAL LINK WITH BLANK TARGET Protects your website from a security vulnerability that exists when an external link contains target="_blank". See https://dev.to/ben/the-targetblank-vulnerability-by-example If set to true, sitecore adds the rel="noopener noreferrer" attribute to the link. Default: true | ProtectExternalLinksWithBlankTarget | "true" |
272 | Sitecore.CleanupBlobsBatchSize Defines the number of records in the Blobs table that are deleted in a single batch. Default: 1000 | Sitecore.CleanupBlobsBatchSize | "1000" |
273 | SITECOREHTTPCLIENT TIMEOUT IN MILLISECONDS. Value cannot be more than 10000. Used in webhooks. Default value:3000 | Sitecore.HttpClientTimeout | "3000" |
274 | Sitecore.ItemScripts.Enabled Defines true to enable in items c# scripts otherwise false. Default: false | Sitecore.ItemScripts.Enabled | "false" |
275 | Translation.LimitSitecoreCacheUsage true to disable database caches while loading translation items otherwise false. Default: false | Translation.LimitSitecoreCacheUsage | "false" |
276 | PIPELINE PROFILING ENABLED Specifies whether or not pipeline profiling is enabled. When it is enabled, a profiling snapshot is available at /sitecore/admin/pipelines.aspx. Default value: true | Pipelines.Profiling.Enabled | "true" |
277 | PIPELINE PROFILING MEASURE CPU TIME Specifies whether or not the pipeline profiler measures CPU usage. Measuring CPU usage adds a performance overhead to the pipeline but provides additional information about the behavior of the processors. Default value: false | Pipelines.Profiling.MeasureCpuTime | "false" |
278 | ITEM BUCKETS ENABLED This setting specifies whether or not the Item Buckets feature is enabled. Default value: true | BucketConfiguration.ItemBucketsEnabled | "true" |
279 | AUTO BUCKET TRIGGER COUNT If you enable the AutoBucket events, this setting specifies the maximum number of children that an item can have before it is automatically converted into an item bucket. | BucketConfiguration.BucketTriggerCount | "100" |
280 | BUCKET FOLDER TEMPLATE If you want to change the template of the folder item that organizes all the hidden bucketable items, you must change this setting to point to the GUID of the new folder item. We recommend that you use the default value. | BucketConfiguration.BucketTemplateId | "{ADB6CA4F-03EF-4F47-B9AC-9CE2BA53FF97}" |
281 | DISPLAY SECURED ITEMS This setting determines what happens to results that are returned when the user does not have read access to them. Options include "hide" or "blur". | BucketConfiguration.SecuredItems | "hide" |
282 | MAXIMUM POSSIBLE FACETS LOADED This setting determines how many items are returned per facet search. If this limit is hit, 0 items are returned for that facet. We recommend that to find a good balance between this number and the number of items that are in your content tree. | MaxFacets | "10000000" |
283 | BUCKET FOLDER PATH FORMAT This setting determines the folder structure that is created in the content tree. Edit this setting to change the folder structure. The format currently supports date formatting, names, for example, "Content Bucket" or blank. Blank creates a dummy called "Repository". USAGE: This is a universal resolver for every date format. You should only change it if you do not have a multilingual solution. RESERVED CHARACTERS: Do not use any of characters that are listed in the web.config file in the "InvalidItemNameCharacters" setting. The default list is :?"<>|[] | BucketConfiguration.BucketFolderPath | "yyyy\/MM\/dd\/HH\/mm" |
284 | BUCKETING FOLDER PROVIDER This class determines the folder that the items are created in. This implements an interface called IDynamicBucketFolder and returns a string that contains the folder path. | BucketConfiguration.DynamicBucketFolderPath | "Sitecore.Buckets.Util.BucketFolderPathResolver, Sitecore.Buckets" |
285 | EXCLUDE CONTEXT ITEM IN SEARCH This setting includes or excludes the current item from the search results. | BucketConfiguration.ExcludeContextItemFromResult | "false" |
286 | FORCE CLIENT LANGUAGE IN SEARCH This setting determines whether or not to restrict search results to the language currently used in the Sitecore client when searching through the UI. Set to false to include search results in all languages. Set to true to only include search results in the current client language. Default value: false | BucketConfiguration.ForceClientLanguageInSearch | "false" |
287 | BUCKET CONFIGURATION - MAX DEGREE OF PARALLELISM This setting allows you to limit the number of threads used for creating, syncing, or reverting an item bucket. If the value is set to -1, there is no limit on the number of concurrently running operations. Default value: 2 | BucketConfiguration.MaxDegreeOfParallelism | "2" |
288 | INCLUDE STANDARD VALUES IN SEARCH AND REPLACE This setting determines whether or not the Template Standard Values are updated by the Search and Replace command. | BucketConfiguration.SearchAndReplaceIncludeStandardValues | "true" |
289 | BUCKET CONFIGURATION - SEARCH UI SERVICE PROVIDER This class allows you to override/substitute the web service that the search UI calls to retrieve information and perform various operations. | BucketConfiguration.SearchUIServiceProvider | "Sitecore.Buckets.Search.Service.BucketClientService, Sitecore.Buckets" |
290 | SUPPORTED SEARCH AND REPLACE FIELD TYPES Field types that are parsed and can be replaced by the Search and Replace command. | BucketConfiguration.SupportedSearchAndReplaceFields | "rich text|single-line text|multi-line text|general link with search|general link|text" |
291 | ENABLE BUCKET SPECIFIC DEBUG IN LOGS If enabled, debug information related to the Item Buckets functionality is written to the log file. Only have this turned on while you are debugging, switch it off in your production environment. | BucketConfiguration.EnableBucketDebug | "false" |
292 | DEFAULT RESULTS PER PAGE IN UI The number of results that are displayed per page in the search results by default. | BucketConfiguration.DefaultNumberOfResultsPerPage | "20" |
293 | RESOLVE FACET VALUE TO FRIENDLY NAME If you are storing a field in the index that is being faceted on, it may be stored as an ID. This Setting when set to true, will try and resolve this to the friendly item name instead. USAGE: In an environment with huge amounts of items (e.g. 1 Million), this will not scale properly. | BucketConfiguration.ResolveFacetValueToFriendlyName | "false" |
294 | MASTER VARIABLES REPLACER Extends default Sitecore.Data.MasterVariablesReplacer Adds support for new tokens: $currentuser -> Returns name of the current user. $allquery -> Returns a query that lists all items i.e. text=*. $allmyworkflowitems -> Returns a query that lists all of the current user's items that are in a workflow. | MasterVariablesReplacer | |
295 | INTERNING ENABLED If enabled, Sitecore would re-use same immutable object instances, and enable InternManager API. This can reduce memory consumption, and simplify Garbage Collection. The tradeoff is additional CPU cost of putting an object to intern pool. Default value: false. | Interning.Enabled | "true" |
296 | INTERNING KNOWN FIELD VALUES If enabled, Sitecore would ensure to use intern pool for the known field values. EXAMPLE: Every item under workflow would have one among known limited values. Since a field value is cached as string, a lot of duplicated strings representing same workflow would present in memory. This setting is useful on large solutions where memory consumption is high. Default value: false. | Interning.InternKnownFieldValues | "true" |
297 | INTERNING TRACK STATISTICS A statistics of all method calls, and unique objects count would be tracked on per-type basic if setting and performace counters are enabled. Default value: false. | Interning.TrackStatistics | "false" |
298 | CACHING - LANGUAGE FALLBACK FIELD VALUES - DEFAULT CACHE SIZE Determines the default size of the cache that stores the language fallback field values. Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB. Default value: 20MB. | Caching.LanguageFallbackFieldValues.DefaultCacheSize | "20MB" |
299 | CACHING - IS FALLBACK VALID - DEFAULT CACHE SIZE Determines the default size of the cache that stores information about which fields can have a language fallback value. Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB, or GB. Default value: 20MB. | Caching.IsFallbackValid.DefaultCacheSize | "20MB" |
300 | LANGUAGE FIELD FALLBACK - ALLOW VARY FALLBACK SETTINGS PER LANGUAGE If set to 'true', then values from both versioned 'Enable Language Fallback' and shared 'Enable Shared Language Fallback' checkbox fields on the field definition item are used to determine whether language fallback functionality should be enabled for the corresponding field. It allows you to have different fallback settings for the same field in different content languages. Example: when 'en-CA' tries to fallback to 'en', the checkbox field will be retrieved from the field definition item in 'en-CA', thus such version should exist. If retrieved value is 'false', then the 'Enable Shared Language Fallback' checkbox field is used. Note: enabling this feature has negative impact on performance. If set to 'false', only the shared 'Enable Shared Language Fallback' checkbox field on the field definition item is used to determine whether language fallback functionality should be enabled for the corresponding field. Default value: false. | LanguageFieldFallback.AllowVaryFallbackSettingsPerLanguage | "false" |
301 | MEDIA - REQUEST PROTECTION - ENABLED Specifies whether media request protection is enabled or not. Default value: true | Media.RequestProtection.Enabled | "true" |
302 | MEDIA - REQUEST PROTECTION - HASH PARAMETER NAME The name of the query string parameter that stores the calculated hash value. Default value: hash | Media.RequestProtection.HashParameterName | "hash" |
303 | MEDIA - REQUEST PROTECTION - LOGGING - ENABLED Specifies whether the media request protection feature will output detailed information to the Sitecore log file. Default value: true | Media.RequestProtection.Logging.Enabled | "true" |
304 | MEDIA - REQUEST PROTECTION - SHARED SECRET Specifies the shared secret to use as a salt when generating hash values. You should change the shared secret to a random string and not use the default value. In a multi-instance setup, use the same value for Media.RequestProtection.SharedSecret on every instance. Otherwise, dynamic image signing will not work correctly if the image URL is generated by one instance and the request is handled by a different instance. | Media.RequestProtection.SharedSecret | "D1FA5,7C4AED9.F0A32E84AA0/FAEF|D0DE9E|\8FD6AEC+8F87F-B037_66C8)34C99921(EB23BE79!AD9D5D@CC1DD#9AD2361$32102%900B723^CF98;0957FC" |
305 | Disables white list filtering. When true a method is allowed even if it is not white-listed. A warning is logged for such a method. Methods from forbiddenMethods are not allowed whether this setting is true or false. Default: false | Sitecore.Reflection.Filtering.Disabled | "false" |
306 | When true logs about method filtering are written. Default: true | Sitecore.Reflection.Filtering.LoggingEnabled | "true" |
307 | SERIALIZATION - INVALID FILE NAME CHARS When generating file names that correspond to item names, the serialization API encodes the "$" and "%" characters, as well as any characters that are invalid in path names as returned by the System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars() method. You use this setting to specify any additional characters that must be encoded, for example, to meet the requirements of a source control system that does not allow specific characters in file names. Default value: "" | Serialization.InvalidFileNameChars | "" |
308 | SERIALIZATION - SERIALIZATION FOLDER PATH MAX LENGTH In Windows, file system paths may not exceed 248 characters in length. The serialization API therefore shortens long path names. This setting specifies the maximum length of the path to the data/serialization folder, which determines how long item paths can be before they are shortened. Important: The value of this setting must be the same on every Sitecore instance that accesses the serialized data. Important: If you change this value, remove the contents of the serialization folder and serialize all the items again. Otherwise duplicates of serialized items may appear in the serialization folder. Example: A value of "90" means that item paths longer than 150 characters are shortened. Sitecore reserves 8 characters and 248 - 8 - 90 = 150. Default value: 90 | Serialization.SerializationFolderPathMaxLength | "90" |
309 | SERIALIZATION TYPE Defines serialization type. Possible variants: default and YAML Default value: default | Serialization.SerializationType | "default" |
310 | SERIALIZATION FOLDER Points to the root of the serialized databases tree (when using the serialization functionality). Default value: $(dataFolder)/serialization | SerializationFolder | "$(dataFolder)/serialization" |
311 | MAX ITEM NAME LENGTH BEFORE TRUNCATION NOTE: This setting is only required when the 'Serialization.SerializationType' setting is set to YAML. Sitecore item names can become so long that they cannot fit on the filesystem without hitting the max path length. This setting controls when to truncate item file names that are extremely long so they fit in the filesystem. The value must be less than MAX_PATH - SerializationFolderPathMaxLength - Length of GUID - length of file extension. Default value: 30 | Serialization.MaxItemNameLengthBeforeTruncation | "30" |
312 | REMOVE ORPHANS NOTE: This setting is only required when the 'Serialization.SerializationType' setting is set to YAML. If set to 'true', user syncing deletes matching users that are not serialized, in the same way as item syncing does. If set to 'false', users are only added or updated, in the same way as New Items Only item syncing works but updates are also synced. | Serialization.Security.RemoveOrphans | "true" |
313 | DEFAULT PASSWORD Note: This setting is only required when the 'Serialization.SerializationType' setting is set to YAML. When NEW users are deserialized, their passwords are set to this value. If set to 'random', the password is set to a long randomly generated value, otherwise the literal value is used. If set to 'random', an admin must reset the user's password before it can be used. If a user already exists in Sitecore, their password is not altered when they are deserialized. Possible values: 'random', or any string equal to or greater than the value set in the 'Serialization.Security.MinPasswordLength' setting. | Serialization.Security.DefaultPassword | "random" |
314 | NOTE: MINIMAL PASSWORD LENGTH Note: This setting is only required when the 'Serialization.SerializationType' setting is set to YAML. If the DefaultPassword setting is not set to 'random', this settings defines the minimum password length when a user is deserialized. The value must be greater than 0. Default value: 8 | Serialization.Security.MinPasswordLength | "8" |
315 | PROFILE ITEM DATABASE Specifies the database where user profile items are stored (at the following path: /sitecore/system/Settings/Security/Profiles) Default value: core | ProfileItemDatabase | "core" |
316 | Screenshots.Enabled True to enable screenshots capture, otherwise false. Default value true. | Sitecore.Screenshots.Enabled | "true" |
317 | ThumbnailsGeneration.Enabled True to enable automatic thumbnails generation, otherwise false. Setting has no effect if Sitecore.Screenshots.Enabled is false. Default value false. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.Enabled | "false"> |
318 | Delay A delay between last item save and thumbnail generation start. Default value 00:00:00. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.Delay | "00:00:00" |
319 | MaxDegreeOfParallelism Maximum number of concurrent thumbnails generation tasks. Default value 2. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.MaxDegreeOfParallelism | "2" |
320 | MaxDegreeOfParallelism Delay between subsequent thumbnails generation within the same task. Default value 00:00:01. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.DelayBetweenTakingScreenshots | "00:00:01" |
321 | ViewPort Width Width of a viewport to use when capturing a screenshot for a thumbnail. This is not the final thumbnail size. Default value 1200. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.ViewPortWidth | "1200" |
322 | ViewPort Height Height of a viewport to use when capturing a screenshot for a thumbnail. This is not the final thumbnail size. Default value 1200. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.ViewPortHeight | "1200" |
323 | Thumbnail Width Width of a thumbnail to crop to. This is the final thumbnail size. Default value 600. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.ThumbnailWidth | "600" |
324 | Thumbnail Height Height of a thumbnail to crop to. This is the final thumbnail size. Default value 600. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.ThumbnailHeight | "600" |
325 | Thumbnail Scale Value between >0 and 1 used to scale a screenshot. Scaling is applied before cropping. Default value 0.5. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.ThumbnailScale | "0.5" |
326 | Thumbnail X X coordinate starting from the top left corner. Determines where to crop. Default value 0. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.ThumbnailX | "0" |
327 | Thumbnail Y Y coordinate starting from the top left corner. Determines where to crop. Default value 0. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.ThumbnailY | "0" |
328 | Database Name Generate thumbnails only for items in this database. Default value master. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.DatabaseName | "master" |
329 | Generator User Name Screenshots for thumbnails are taken from this user account. The specified user is automatically created as admin if does not exist. Default value sitecore\ThumbnailsGenerator. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.GeneratorUserName | "sitecore\ThumbnailsGenerator" |
330 | Device Name Name of a Sitecore device to use when generating a thumbnail. Default value default. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.DeviceName | "default" |
331 | DataFlow Queue Size Size of the in-memory queue to store work items for thumbnails generation. When queu size is reached thumbnails generation is postponed. Default value 50. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.DataFlowQueueSize | "50" |
332 | Throttling Window The setting is obsolete and is no longer in use. Default value 00:01:00. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.ThrottlingWindow | "00:01:00" |
333 | Max Processed Per Window The setting is obsolete and is no longer in use. Default value 50. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.MaxProcessedPerWindow | "50" |
334 | Allow custom URL for manual screenshots. True to allow manual enterning of a page url to take screenshot. Enabling this feature (setting true value) might present a security risk. Default value false. | Sitecore.ThumbnailsGeneration.AllowCustomUrl | "false" |
335 | CES - DISCOVERY - MAX DISCOVERY SERVICE REQUEST ATTEMPTS Specifies the maximum number of attempts that can be made to request the CES endpoints from the CES Discovery service. If a request fails because of a connection issue, then it is repeated. Default value: 3 | CES.Discovery.MaxDiscoveryServiceRequestAttempts | "3" |
336 | CONTENT SEARCH ENABLED This setting specifies whether or not the Content Search feature is enabled. Default value: true | ContentSearch.Enabled | "true" |
337 | INDEXING DISABLE DATABASE CACHES Indicates whether or not to populate database caches with data retrieved during indexing. If true, Sitecore indexes every version and language of the items as usual, but does not cache this item data in the database caches. This can reduce the amount of memory used for cached data and improve performance, especially in solutions with a large number of items, versions, and languages. If false, Sitecore indexes every version and language of the items and caches the item data in the database caches. Default value: false | ContentSearch.Indexing.DisableDatabaseCaches | "false" |
338 | INDEXING MANAGER - DISPLAY SHORT STATISTIC This setting specifies whether or not to display short index statistics in the Indexing Manager Wizard. When enabled, the Indexing Manager Wizard does not request additional information from Solr to populate index statistics. It can be required if nodes of Solr Cloud can be accessed only within a private network. Default value: false | ContentSearch.IndexingManager.DisplayShortStatistic | "false" |
339 | INDEX UPDATE BATCH SIZE Determines the amount of items that should be processed during the index update within a batch. Default value: 300 | ContentSearch.IndexUpdate.BatchSize | "300" |
340 | PARALLEL INDEXING Use parallel optimization when indexing. | ContentSearch.ParallelIndexing.Enabled | "true" |
341 | PARALLEL INDEXING MAX THREAD LIMIT This setting allows you to limit the number of threads used for indexing operations when parallel indexing is enabled. If the value is set to 0, there is no limit to the number of threads. Default value: 3 Note: Consider to change the ContentSearch.IndexUpdate.BatchSize value while changing this setting value. The larger MaxThreadLimit value, the larger BatchSize value should be to prevent a performance penalty. BatchSize value should not be less than ContentSearch.ParallelIndexing.MaxThreadLimit * 100. | ContentSearch.ParallelIndexing.MaxThreadLimit | "3" |
342 | CONTENT SEARCH SEARCH MAX RESULTS The max number of results that a query returns. Every search requires that you set a limiter on the results. in accordance with Lucene best practices, this can be set but it is best kept as the default. It would be best to set this when you have an extremely large amount of items and you don't need to bring back all the items. A common scenario is that people search for everything but only look at page 1 or 2 of the results. Default value: 1000000 | ContentSearch.SearchMaxResults | "1000000" |
343 | ENABLE FULL LEVEL DEBUG OF CONTENT SEARCHES When enabled this will output full verbose search logging. Usage is for developers and also very useful for support. You will need to make sure that Log4Net is also set the DEBUG level for its verbosity. | ContentSearch.EnableSearchDebug | "false" |
344 | CONTENT SEARCH - CRAWLING - STOP ON CRAWL ERROR This setting specifies whether the Sitecore crawlers stop crawling if an error occurs while processing an indexable. If true, the Sitecore crawlers stop crawling and throw an exception. If false, the Sitecore crawlers skip this indexable and then continue crawling. Default value: false | ContentSearch.Crawling.StopOnCrawlError | "false" |
345 | CONTENT SEARCH - CRAWLING - STOP ON CRAWL FIELD ERROR This setting specifies whether the Sitecore document builder classes will add document data to the index if an error occurs while processing one or more fields for the document. If false, the document will be added to the index. If true, the document will be skipped. Default value: false | ContentSearch.Crawling.StopOnCrawlFieldError | "false" |
346 | CONTENT SEARCH - DOCUMENT MAPPING - STOP ON PROPERTY MAPPING ERROR This setting specifies whether the document mapper will throw an exception if an error occurs during property mapping. If true, an exception is thrown when an error occurs. If false, the property where an error occurs is skipped, but property mapping will continue for the remaining properties. Default value: true | ContentSearch.DocumentMapping.StopOnPropertyMappingError | "true" |
347 | CONTENT EXTRACTION MAX MEDIA SIZE This setting specifies the maximum allowed size for media intended to be indexed. Default value: 40MB | ContentSearch.ContentExtraction.MaxMediaSize | "40MB" |
348 | CONTENT EXTRACTION EXTRACT FROM STREAM This setting specifies whether text extraction should be done directly from a stream or a temporary file. Default value: false | ContentSearch.ContentExtraction.ExtractFromStream | "false" |
349 | CONTENT SEARCH - DEFAULT INDEX CONFIGURATION PATH This setting specifies an XPath expression that points to the default index configuration. The default configuration is used for every index that does not have a specified configuration. | ContentSearch.DefaultIndexConfigurationPath | "" |
350 | DEFAULT INDEX CONFIGURATION PATH This setting specifies an XPath expression that points to the default index configuration. The default configuration is used for every index that does not have a specified configuration. | ContentSearch.DefaultIndexConfigurationPath | "contentSearch/indexConfigurations/defaultSolrIndexConfiguration" |
351 | CONNECTION TIMEOUT The timeout interval for the Solr server connection in milliseconds. A value of -1 (minus one) means that the default SolrNet timeout interval is used. Default value: -1 | ContentSearch.Solr.ConnectionTimeout | "-1" |
352 | SEND POST REQUESTS TO SOLR This setting specified whether POST method is always used to communicate with SOLR. If value is false, GET can be used for some Solr commands. The setting can be useful if you face issues related to URI length limitation. Default value: false | ContentSearch.Solr.SendPostRequests | "false" |
353 | BATCH MODE Commits to the database in batches (to reduce trips to the database / server). | ContentSearch.Update.BatchModeEnabled | "true" |
354 | BATCH SIZE The size of document batch before flushing to the database. | ContentSearch.Update.BatchSize | "500" |
355 | PARALLEL INDEX INITIALIZATION MAX THREAD LIMIT This setting allows you to limit the number of threads used for requesting data from Solr needed for indexes initialization. If the value is set to 0, there is no limit to the number of threads. Default value: 6 | ContentSearch.Solr.ParallelIndexInitialization.MaxThreadLimit | "6" |
356 | MAX NUMBER OF FIELD TO PROJECT This setting allows you to limit the number of fields requested by a search query. If the limit is reached, all fields are retrieved. If the value is set to 0, search results will always contain all fields. Default value: 15 | ContentSearch.Solr.MaxNumberOfFieldsToProject | "15" |
357 | RESTRICT DELETE BY INDEX NAME If enabled, the delete command removes only documents in the solr core/collection which are associated with the current index. The value must be set to true, if multiple indexes are stored in a single Solr core/collection. Default vaue: true | ContentSearch.Solr.RestrictDeleteByIndexName | "true" |
358 | SUGGEST HANDLER The name of suggest request handler as configured in solr | ContentSearch.Solr.SuggestHandler | "/suggest" |
359 | SPELL CHECK HANDLER The name of spell check request handler as configured in solr | ContentSearch.Solr.SpellCheckHandler | "/spell" |
360 | USE SOFT COMMITS If enabled, soft commits are used. The auto-commit must be enabled and configured in solr before enabling this setting. Default vaue: false | ContentSearch.Solr.UseSoftCommits | "false" |
361 | ENABLE OPTIMIZE ON REBUILD If enabled, the index optimization command runs when the rebuild is completed. Default vaue: false | ContentSearch.Solr.OptimizeOnRebuild.Enabled | "false" |
362 | | Sitecore.ContentTagging.DefaultConfigurationName | "Default" |
363 | | Sitecore.ContentTagging.OpenCalais.CalaisEndpoint | "https://api-eit.refinitiv.com/permid/calais" |
364 | | Sitecore.ContentTagging.OpenCalais.CalaisAccessToken | "" |
365 | | Sitecore.ContentTagging.OpenCalais.CalaisLanguage | "English" |
366 | | Sitecore.ContentTagging.OpenCalais.SelectiveTags | "additionalcontactdetails,company,currency,country,deal,company,industry,marketindex,person,socialtags,topic,topic-sca,topic-selfservice" |
367 | | Sitecore.ContentTagging.OpenCalais.SocialTagsImportanceThreshold | "-1" |
368 | | Sitecore.ContentTagging.OpenCalais.SocialTagsResultSize | "-1" |
369 | CONTENT TESTING - AUTOMATIC CONTENT TESTING - ENABLED Determines whether automatic content testing features should be enabled. Default value: true | ContentTesting.AutomaticContentTesting.Enabled | "true" |
370 | CONTENT TESTING - ALWAYS SHOW TEST CANDIDATE NOTIFICATION Determines whether show test candidate notification is always enabled in the Content Testing. Default value: true | ContentTesting.AlwaysShowTestCandidateNotification | "true" |
371 | CONTENT TESTING - COMMAND ROUTE PREFIX The prefix used for controller routes. Default value: sitecore/shell/api/ct/ | ContentTesting.CommandRoutePrefix | "sitecore/shell/api/ct/" |
372 | CONTENT TESTING - COMMAND ROUTE PREFIX MVC The prefix used for controller routes for mvc controllers. Default value: sitecore/shell/api/ct/mvc | ContentTesting.CommandRoutePrefix.Mvc | "sitecore/shell/ct/" |
373 | CONTENT TESTING - CUSTOM PATH FOR GENERATED FILES The path used for modifying the default path for generated files. Default value: /temp | ContentTesting.CustomFileGenerationPath | "/temp" |
374 | CONTENT TESTING - DEFAULT CONFIDENCE LEVEL The confidence level used when creating new content tests. Default value: 95 | ContentTesting.DefaultConfidenceLevel | "95" |
375 | CONTENT TESTING - DEFAULT TRAFFIC ALLOCATION The content test traffic allocation as a percentage. Default value: 100 | ContentTesting.DefaultTrafficAllocation | "100" |
376 | CONTENT TESTING - END TEST RULESET The path to the ruleset that determines whether a test can finish automatically. Default value: /sitecore/system/Settings/Content Testing/End Test Behavior | ContentTesting.EndTestRuleset | "/sitecore/system/Settings/Content Testing/End Test Behavior" |
377 | CONTENT TESTING - GENERATE SCREENSHOTS Determines when screenshots should be generated. Must be one of ( all | limited | none ) Default value: all | ContentTesting.GenerateScreenshots | "all" |
378 | CONTENT TESTING - MAXIMUM CONTENT TEST DURATION The maximum duration in days of a content test. Default value: 14 | ContentTesting.MaximumContentTestDuration | "14" |
379 | CONTENT TESTING - MAXIMUM MV TEST DURATION The maximum duration in days of a multivariate content test. Default value: 90 | ContentTesting.MaximumOptimizationTestDuration | "90" |
380 | CONTENT TESTING - MAXIMUM TOP EXPERIENCES Determines the upper limit for experiences if experiences is more than 1000. Default value: 100 | ContentTesting.MaximumTopExperience | "100" |
381 | CONTENT TESTING - MINIMUM DURATION The minimum duration in days of a content test. Default value: 7 | ContentTesting.MinimumDuration | "7" |
382 | PAGE DAILY VISITS CACHE EXPIRATION Sets the absolute expiration on the cached daily visits data in Experience Editor. Makes sense only when analytics is enabled. Default value: 1.00:00:00 (1 day) | ContentTesting.PageDailyVisitsCacheExpiration | "1.00:00:00" |
383 | TEST STATISTICS CACHE EXPIRATION Sets the absolute expiration on the cached test statistics data in Experience Editor. Makes sense only when analytics is enabled. Default value: 01:00:00 (1 hour) | ContentTesting.TestStatisticsCacheExpiration | "01:00:00" |
384 | CONTENT TESTING - PERSONALIZATION INDEX NAME The default personalization index name. Default value: sitecore_personalization_index | ContentTesting.PersonalizationIndexName | "sitecore_personalization_index" |
385 | CONTENT TESTING - PHANTOM JS - REMOVE ABANDONED JS FILES Determines whether should remove abandoned JavaScript files. Default value: false | ContentTesting.PhantomJS.RemoveAbandonedJS | "false" |
386 | CONTENT TESTING - PHANTOM JS - ENABLE DISK CACHE Determines whether the PhantomJS tool should use disk caching for web resources. Default value: true | ContentTesting.PhantomJS.EnableDiskCache | "true" |
387 | CONTENT TESTING - PHANTOM JS - ENABLE JAVASCRIPT Determines whether the PhantomJS tool should allow JavaScript on pages. Default value: true | ContentTesting.PhantomJS.EnableJavaScript | "true" |
388 | CONTENT TESTING - PHANTOM JS - EXECUTABLE PATH The path to the PhantomJS tool that is used to generate screenshots of pages. Default value: $(dataFolder)/tools/phantomjs/phantomjs.exe | ContentTesting.PhantomJS.ExecutablePath | "$(dataFolder)/tools/phantomjs/phantomjs.exe" |
389 | CONTENT TESTING - PHANTOM JS - IGNORE SSL ERRORS Determines whether the PhantomJS tool should ignore errors with SSL when accessing resources. Default value: true | ContentTesting.PhantomJS.IgnoreSSLErrors | "true" |
390 | CONTENT TESTING - PHANTOM JS - .JS FILE MAX TIMESPAN The maximum timespan an abandoned .js file can exist in minute. Default value: 5 | ContentTesting.PhantomJS.JSFileMaxTimespan | "5" |
391 | CONTENT TESTING - PHANTOM JS - LOAD IMAGES Determines whether the PhantomJS tool should load images on pages. Default value: true | ContentTesting.PhantomJS.LoadImages | "true" |
392 | CONTENT TESTING - PHANTOM JS - LOCK NAVIGATION Determines whether the PhantomJS tool will load content from other URLs including iFrames. Default value: true | ContentTesting.PhantomJS.LockNavigation | "true" |
393 | CONTENT TESTING - PHANTOM JS - SSL PROTOCOL The SSL protocol to instruct the PhantomJS tool to use for SSL resources. Must be one of ( SSLv3 | SSLv2 | TLSv1 | any ) Default value: any | ContentTesting.PhantomJS.SSLProtocol | "any" |
394 | CONTENT TESTING - PHANTOM JS - TIMEOUT The timeout in milliseconds used when executing calls to PhantomJS Default value: 60000 | ContentTesting.PhantomJS.Timeout | "60000" |
395 | CONTENT TESTING - PHANTOM JS - USER AGENT The user agent PhantomJS will use to request for web resources. If not defined (empty string), default PhantomJS user agent will be used. Default value: "" | ContentTesting.PhantomJS.UserAgent | "" |
396 | CONTENT TESTING - DATABASE - REPORTING - NAME The reporting database name. Using to store Personalization rules. Default value: reporting | ContentTesting.Database.Reporting.Name | "reporting" |
397 | CONTENT TESTING - SCREENSHOT - VIEWPORT - DEFAULT HEIGHT The height of the view port used to generate screenshots of pages if not specified in the screenshot task. Default value: 800 | ContentTesting.Screenshot.ViewPort.DefaultHeight | "800" |
398 | CONTENT TESTING - SCREENSHOT - VIEWPORT - DEFAULT WIDTH The width of the view port used to generate screenshots of pages if not specified in the screenshot task. Default value: 1200 | ContentTesting.Screenshot.ViewPort.DefaultWidth | "1200" |
399 | CONTENT TESTING - SUGGESTED TEST INDEX NAME The default suggested test index name. Default value: sitecore_suggested_test_index | ContentTesting.SuggestedTestIndexName | "sitecore_suggested_test_index" |
400 | CONTENT TESTING - SUGGESTED TESTS - MAXIMUM The maximum number of suggested tests to show. Default value: 50 | ContentTesting.SuggestedTests.Maximum | "50" |
401 | CONTENT TESTING - TEST EXTENSION PERIOD The number of days that the test can be extended when no winner is found. Default value: 14 | ContentTesting.TestExtensionPeriod | "14" |
402 | CONTENT TESTING - TEST STRATEGY The default content test strategy. Default value: /sitecore/system/Settings/Content Testing/Test Strategies/Subgroup Round Robin Sticky | ContentTesting.TestStrategy | "/sitecore/system/Settings/Content Testing/Test Strategies/Subgroup Round Robin Sticky" |
403 | CONTENT TESTING - TESTING INDEX NAME The default testing index name. Default value: sitecore_testing_index | ContentTesting.TestingIndexName | "sitecore_testing_index" |
404 | CONTENT TESTING - VISITOR - COMBINATION STORAGE Specifies the storage mechanism to use for the visitors test combinations. Must be one of ( xdbfacet | cookie ) Default value: xdbfacet | ContentTesting.Visitor.TestCombinationStorage | "xdbfacet" |
405 | CONTENT TESTING - INTERACTION DDATA SOURCE - MAX BATCH SIZE The number of interaction data source max batch size for machine learning data projection usage. Default value: 1000 | ContentTesting.ML.InteractionDataSource.MaxBatchSize | "1000" |
406 | CONTENT TESTING - INTERACTION DATA SOURCE - DEFAULT SPLIT ITEM COUNT The number of interaction data source default split item count for machine learning data projection usage. Default value: 1000 | ContentTesting.ML.InteractionDataSource.DefaultSplitItemCount | "1000" |
407 | CONTENT TESTING - MODEL TRAINING - MAX DURATION The maximum allowed duration in minutes of a machine learning model training. Default value: 20 | ContentTesting.ML.ModelTraining.MaxDuration | "20" |
408 | CONTENT TESTING - MINIMUM UNIQUE VISITORS The minimum amount of unique visitors to start machine learning model training on each non-winning test experiences. Default value: 1000 | ContentTesting.ML.MinimumUniqueVisitors | "1000" |
409 | CONTENT TESTING - PUBLISHING TARGETS The publishing targets in comma separated Array which have published items. Default value: empty | ContentTesting.Publishing.Targets.List | "" |
410 | SITENAME LIST CACHE EXPIRATION Sets the absolute expiration on the cached for reading list of sites from reporting DB. Default value: 00.00:05:00 (5 Minutes) | ContentTesting.SiteNameList.CacheExpiration | "00.00:05:00" |
411 | PERSONALZIATION DASHBOARD CACHE EXPIRATION Sets the absolute expiration on the cached for reading personalization performance information from reporting DB. Default value: 00.00:05:00 (5 Minutes) | ContentTesting.Personalization.Dashboard.CacheExpiration | "00.00:05:00" |
412 | CONTENT TESTING - TRAFFIC ALLOCATION FOR PERSONALIZATION EFFECT TRACKING The personalization effect tracking traffic allocation in percentage. Default value: 10 | ContentTesting.PersonalizationEffectTracking.TrafficAllocation | "10" |
413 | PERSONALZIATION DASHBOARD CACHE SIZE Sets the absolute cache size for reading personalization performance information from reporting DB. Default value: 10MB | ContentTesting.Personalization.Dashboard.MaxCacheSize | "10MB" |
414 | CONTENT TESTING - SCREENSHOT - UTILS JAVASCRIPT PATH The path to the javascript file that be used while generate screenshots of pages. Default value: /AppData/tools/content-testing/screenshot-utils.js | ContentTesting.Screenshot.UtilsScriptPath | "/App_Data/tools/content-testing/screenshot-utils.js" |
415 | CONTENT TESTING - SCREENSHOT - TIMEOUT The timeout used when generating the screenshot Default value: 00.00:03:00 (3 Minutes) | ContentTesting.Screenshot.Timeout | "00.00:03:00" |
416 | CONTENT TESTING - SCREENSHOT - USER AGENT The user agent Screenshot will use to request for web resources. If empty string, default user agent will be used. Default value: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" | ContentTesting.Screenshot.UserAgent | "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" |
417 | GEOIP PERFORM LOOKUP Determines if this server performs the lookups (DNS and URLs). Default: true | GeoIp.PerformLookup | "true" |
418 | CES - GEO IP - CACHING - GEO IP IN-MEMORY CACHE EXPIRY TIME Specifies the length of time that IP Geolocation information in-memory cache entries should be stored if they have not been accessed. Default value: 1:00:00:00 (1 day) | CES.GeoIp.Caching.GeoIpCacheExpiryTime | "1:00:00:00" |
419 | CES - GEO IP - Database - GEO IP MAX ENTRY LIFETIME Specifies how long IP Geolocation information entries should remain in database after they were added. Default value: 365:00:00:00 (365 days) | CES.GeoIp.Database.MaxEntryLifetime | "365:00:00:00" |
420 | CES - GEO IP - LOOKUP REQUEST TIMEOUT Specifies the time to wait for the lookup process. Default value: 0:00:00:02 (2 seconds) | CES.GeoIp.LookupRequestTimeout | "0:00:00:02" |
421 | CES - GEO IP - LOOKUP FAILURE GRACE PERIOD Specifies the time to suspend the lookup process for future requests in case there is an error happened in the lookup request. Default value: 0:01:00:00 (1 hour) | CES.GeoIp.LookupFailureGracePeriod | "0:01:00:00" |
422 | CES - GEO IP - CACHING - GEO IP IN-MEMORY CACHE SIZE Specifies the size of the IP Geolocation information in-memory cache. Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB. A value of 0 (zero) disables the cache. Default value: 5MB | CES.GeoIp.Caching.GeoIpCacheSize | "5MB" |
423 | CES - GEO IP - GEO IP CONNECTION NAME Specifies the name of the GeoIp database connection string. It is required to specify the connection name to be used for GeoIp database. Default value: web | CES.GeoIp.ConnectionName | "web" |
424 | CES - GEO IP - GEO IP WRITABLE CONNECTION NAME Specifies the name of the GeoIp writable database connection string name. This setting will only be used if the database for the connection name defined in "CES.GeoIp.ConnectionName" is read-only This is useful when using Azure Active Geo-replication Default behavior of the setting is to use the value from "CES.GeoIP.ConnectionName" Default value: | CES.GeoIp.ConnectionName.Writable | "" |
425 | CES - GEO IP - GEO IP SERVICE NAME Specifies the name of the CES IP Geolocation service. Default value: GeoIP | CES.GeoIp.GeoIpServiceName | "GeoIP" |
426 | CES - GEO IP - LOCAL FILTER IP RANGES FILE PATH Specifies the path of the locally stored file with filter Ip ranges. Default value: /App_Data/Sitecore.CES.GeoIp/IpFilterRanges.csv | CES.GeoIp.LocalFilterIpRangesFilePath | "/App_Data/Sitecore.CES.GeoIp/IpFilterRanges.csv" |
427 | CES - GEO IP - FORWARDED REQUEST HTTP HEADER Specifies the name of an HTTP header variable containing the IP address of the webclient. Only for use behind load-balancers that mask web client IP addresses from webservers. IMPORTANT: If this setting is used incorrectly, it allows IP address spoofing. Typical values are "X-Forwarded-For" and "X-Real-IP". Default value: "" (disabled) | CES.GeoIp.ForwardedRequestHttpHeader | "" |
428 | CES - GEO IP - FORWARDED REQUEST HTTP HEADER CLIENT IP INDEX Specifies the index of client ip address in ForwardedRequestHttpHeader. Default value: "0" | CES.GeoIp.ForwardedRequestHttpHeaderClientIpIndex | "0" |
429 | DEVICE DETECTION ENABLE Determines whether device detection is enabled or not. Default value: true | DeviceDetection.Enabled | "true" |
430 | DEVICE DETECTION CACHE SIZE Specifies the size of the DeviceDetection cache. Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB A value of 0 (zero) disables the cache. | DeviceDetection.DeviceDetectionCacheSize | "10MB" |
431 | DEVICE DETECTION SERVICE NAME Specifies the name of the device detection service. | DeviceDetection.ServiceName | "DeviceDetection" |
432 | DEVICE DETECTION DATABASE UPDATE CHECK INTERVAL Specifies how often database update checks are performed. The default value: 1.00:00:00 (1 day) | DeviceDetection.DatabaseUpdateCheckInterval | "1.00:00:00" |
433 | DEVICE DETECTION FAIL DATABASE CHECK INTERVAL Specifies how often to retry initialize database in case of initialize fail. The default value: 00:10:00 (10 minutes) | DeviceDetection.FailDatabaseCheckInterval | "00:10:00" |
434 | DEVICE DETECTION ENSURE INITIALIZATION TIMEOUT Specifies how long EnsureInitialization method will wait for provider initialization. The default value: 00:02:00 (2 minutes) | DeviceDetection.CheckInitializationTimeout | "00:02:00" |
435 | DEVICE DETECTION DATABASE PATH Specifies the path where device databases are stored. The default value: $(dataFolder)/DeviceDetection | DeviceDetection.DatabasePath | "$(dataFolder)/DeviceDetection" |
436 | MAXIMUM NUMBER OF MESSAGES PER CONNECTION Best practice is to reuse connections for no more than 10000 messages and then create a new connection. This allows local and remote resources to be cleaned up efficiently. Default: 10000. | EXM.ChilkatTransportClient.MessagesPerConnection | "10000" |
437 | The size of the cache used to track duplicate opens/clicks. | EXM.OpenAndClickCache | "1MB" |
438 | The number of threads that you can use for sending messages. | NumberThreads | "10" |
439 | Specifies how many sending threads can generate messages at the same time. Value should be no less than 1. Default value: Environment.ProcessorCount * 2 | MaxGenerationThreads | "" |
440 | The number of recipients in each batch enqueued in the dispatch queue. | DispatchEnqueueBatchSize | "300" |
441 | The number of threads that adds recipient batches to dispatch queue. | DispatchEnqueueThreadsNumber | "4" |
442 | The number of contacts that each dispatch thread will attempt to process at a time. | EXM.DispatchBatchSize | "100" |
443 | Specifies whether the message sending process is emulated without actual message transmission via MTA. | MtaEmulation.Active | "false" |
444 | The minimum amount of time to emulate a single sending (milliseconds). | MtaEmulation.MinSendTime | "200" |
445 | The maximum amount of time to emulate a single sending (milliseconds). | MtaEmulation.MaxSendTime | "400" |
446 | The probability of a connection fail (%). | MtaEmulation.FailProbability | "0.01" |
447 | The period of time (in seconds) after which the module considers automated message failed. | ResetTimeout | "3600" |
448 | Specifies the name of the default global opt-out contact list. | StandardMessages.DefaultGlobalOptOutList | "Common Global Opt-out" |
449 | Specifies the path of the Subscription Confirmation message used by the self-service subscription control. | StandardMessages.SubscriptionConfirmation | "Service Messages/Self-Service Subscription/Subscription Confirmation" |
450 | Specifies the path of the Subscription Notification message used by the self-service subscription control. | StandardMessages.SubscriptionNotification | "Service Messages/Self-Service Subscription/Subscription Notification" |
451 | Specifies the path of the Unsubscribe Notification message used by the self-service subscription control. | StandardMessages.UnsubscribeNotification | "Service Messages/Self-Service Subscription/Unsubscribe Notification" |
452 | Specifies the path of the Dispatch Completed status message. | StandardMessages.DispatchCompleted | "Service Messages/Status Messages/Dispatch Completed" |
453 | Specifies the path of the Triggered Activation status message. | StandardMessages.TriggeredNotification | "Service Messages/Status Messages/Automated Notification" |
454 | The total allowed size in bytes of all attachments for a message. | EXM.AttachmentTotalSizeInBytes | "7340032" |
455 | Check if recipient lists have pending operations before dispatch. | EXM.CheckRecipientListsStatus | "true" |
456 | Specifies the path of the 'EXM' tasks. | EXM.TasksPath | "/sitecore/system/Settings/Email/Tasks" |
457 | Specifies the path of the Email Test Definition. | EXM.EmailTestDefinitionPath | "/sitecore/system/Marketing Control Panel/Test Lab/Emails" |
458 | Specifies whether the MTA connection should be tested before attempting starting a dispatch | EXM.CheckMtaConnection | "true" |
459 | Specifies whether the Email Cloud suppression list is checked during dispatch. A contact will never receive an email if they are on the suppression list, as the Email Cloud will skip sending to the contact, even if this check is disabled, so this check is only made to avoid sending an email to the Email Cloud. | EXM.CheckSuppressionList | "true" |
460 | Sets whether EXM is enabled | EXM.Enabled | "true" |
461 | The name of UserAgent that will be used to request pages for rendering emails in the dispatch process. | DispatchUserAgent | "ECM Dispatch" |
462 | The key name of the flag in a session's custom data storage used for marking it as an email click session. | EmailClickSessionKey | "EXMClickedThroughSession" |
463 | The name of the web site for EXM events that are not associated with a specific web site. E.g. message sent, message undelivered, spam complaint received. | EXM.DefaultEventSiteName | "exm" |
464 | The maximum number of messages (or message related campaigns, tests, etc.) to create in a single folder. | MaxMessageFolderSize | "1" |
465 | Specifies the property name of a user profile, which will be used as a Contact phone number. | PhoneFieldName | "phone" |
466 | The user name to log in with if anonymous access is disabled. | IIS.User | "" |
467 | The password to log in with if anonymous access is disabled. | IIS.Password | "" |
468 | The path to the handler which should process email open events. | EXM.OpenHandlerPath | "/sitecore%20modules/Web/EXM/RegisterEmailOpened.ashx" |
469 | Specifies the key for the contact identifier source on the query string. | QueryStringKey.ContactIdentifierSource | "ex_id_s" |
470 | Specifies the key for the contact identifier identifier on the query string. | QueryStringKey.ContactIdentifierIdentifier | "ex_id_i" |
471 | Specifies the key for identifying contact on the query string. | QueryStringKey.AnalyticsContactId | "ec_contact_id" |
472 | Specifies the key for identifying the target URL in a redirect request. | QueryStringKey.RedirectUrl | "ec_url" |
473 | The key is used to identify page requests of the module. | QueryStringKey.EcmId | "ec_id" |
474 | The key is used to identify page requests of the module. | QueryStringKey.ExmEncryptedQuery | "ec_eq" |
475 | Specifies the key for setting the context user of a web page renderd as a message body. | QueryStringKey.Recipient | "ec_recipient" |
476 | Specifies the key for confirming subscriptions from emails. | QueryStringKey.Subscription | "ec_subscr" |
477 | Specifies the key for identifying message on the query string. | QueryStringKey.MessageId | "ec_message_id" |
478 | Specifies the key for identifying the target language in the query string. | QueryStringKey.TargetLanguage | "ec_lang" |
479 | Specifies the key for identifying the test value index in the query string. | QueryStringKey.TestValueIndex | "ec_tvi" |
480 | The key which should be used for online versions of emails. | QueryStringKey.OnlineVersionQueryStringKey | "sc_pd_view" |
481 | Specifies the key for identifying the email history entry id in the query string. | QueryStringKey.EmailHistoryEntryId | "ec_emailid" |
482 | The Channel Id associated with the campaign. | CampaignClassification.Channel | "{DDAFB85B-1511-48B8-9374-2A8A1F371645}" |
483 | The regular expression used for e-mail validation. | EXM.EmailValidationRegex | "^[\p{L}0-9\+\-_\!\$\%\&\*\?]+(?:\.[\p{L}0-9\+\-_\'\!\$\%\&\*\?]+)*@(([\p{L}0-9\-]+(?:[\p{L}0-9\-]*\.[\p{L}0-9]+)+)|(\[\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}\]))$" |
484 | The regular expression used for url validation. | EXM.UrlValidationRegex | "^(http|https){1}\:\/\/(([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9]?)\.)*([a-zA-Z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9]?)(:\d{2,5})?(\/[a-zA-Z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9]?)*(\/{1})?$" |
485 | The host name that is used to download the message source when a message is being previewed and/or dispatched to recipients | EXM.RendererUrl | "" |
486 | The size of the message body cache. | EXM.MessageBodyMaxCacheSize | "5MB" |
487 | Specifies if Context.ContentLanguage.Name should be used for the Marketing Operations API | EXM.UseContextContentLanguage | "false" |
488 | Specifies if PII sensitive data should be logged by EXM | EXM.IncludePIIinLogFiles | "false" |
489 | Specifies if EXM should clear the exm#lang cookie when rendering an email campaign | EXM.ClearLanguageCookieOnRendering | "true" |
490 | Value in seconds in which two email events (e.g. opens and clicks) related to the same message and contact are considered duplicates. Within this interval only the first registration will be stored. | EXM.DuplicateProtectionInterval | "300" |
491 | Specifies comma separated URLs that should be used for handling unsubscribe requests initated by List-Unsubscribe header | EXM.ListUnsubscribeUrl | "/sitecore%20modules/Web/EXM/ListUnsubscribe.aspx" |
492 | The size of the cache used to track unique opens/clicks. | EXM.UniqueEventCache | "1MB" |
493 | Specifies whether verbose logging is enabled. | EXM.Debug | "false" |
494 | WEB EDIT AFFECT WORKFLOW FOR DATA SOURCE ITEMS Move datasources through the workflow with the context item. Default value: true | WebEdit.AffectWorkflowForDatasourceItems | "true" |
495 | WEB EDIT AUTO SAVE ON EDIT FRAME Indicates whether whether item is automatically saved when edit frame is closed after editing. Default value: true | WebEdit.AutoSaveOnEditFrame | "true" |
496 | WEB EDIT ITEM USAGES CACHE SIZE Specifies the size of the cache for Item Usages. Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB A value of 0 (zero) disables the cache. | WebEdit.ItemUsagesCacheSize | "10MB" |
497 | WEB EDIT BUNDLED JS FILES PATH Specifies the path where bundled JavaScript files are stored if WebEdit.EnableJSBundling = true Default value: /sitecore/shell/Applications/Page Modes/Output/ | WebEdit.BundledJSFilesPath | "/sitecore/shell/Applications/Page Modes/Output/" |
498 | WEB EDIT CONTENT EDITOR STYLESHEET The stylesheet to include in the content editor in WebEdit mode. Default value: /webedit.css | WebEdit.ContentEditorStylesheet | "/webedit.css" |
499 | WEBEDIT DEFAULT BUTTON PATH Specifies default location of edit frame buttons in the core database. Default value: /sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Edit Frame Buttons/Default | WebEdit.DefaultButtonPath | "/sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Edit Frame Buttons/Default" |
500 | WEBEDIT DISABLE ANIMATIONS Disables animation effects in the Experience Editor. Default value: false | WebEdit.DisableAnimations | "false" |
501 | WEB EDIT ALL VERSIONS Allows switch to the shared layout of the page. Default value: true | WebEdit.EditAllVersions | "true" |
502 | WEB EDIT ENABLE VALIDATION If true, the Experience Editor will execute item and field validation rules whenever a user tries to save items in the Experience Editor. Only 'Critical' and 'Fatal' validators are evaluated, and item validation rules are executed for the current context item only. Field validation rules are only executed for fields that the current user can modify in the Experience Editor. Default value: true | WebEdit.EnableValidation | "true" |
503 | WEB EDIT ENABLE STYLESHEET BUNDLING Indicates whether web edit specific CSS files should be bundled into one file. Default value: true | WebEdit.EnableStylesheetBundling | "true" |
504 | WEB EDIT ENABLE JS BUNDLING Indicates whether web edit specific JavaScript files should be bundled into one file. Default value: true | WebEdit.EnableJSBundling | "true" |
505 | WEB EDIT EXPERIENCE EDITOR STYLESHEET The stylesheet to include in the experience editor. Default value: /shell/client/Sitecore/ExperienceEditor/Ribbon.css | WebEdit.ExperienceEditorStylesheet | "/sitecore/shell/client/Sitecore/ExperienceEditor/Ribbon.css" |
506 | WEB EDIT JQuery UI STYLESHEET The stylesheet to include in the experience editor in WebEdit mode. Default value: /sitecore/shell/Controls/Lib/jQuery/jQueryUI/1.10.3/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.10.3.min.css | WebEdit.JQueryUIStylesheet | "/sitecore/shell/Controls/Lib/jQuery/jQueryUI/1.13.2/smoothness/jquery-ui.min.css" |
507 | WEB EDIT PLACEHOLDERS EDITABLE WITHOUT SETTINGS Indicates whether placeholders should be editable in the Experience Editor if placeholder settings are not specified. Default value: false | WebEdit.PlaceholdersEditableWithoutSettings | "false" |
508 | WEB EDIT SHOW NUMBER OF LOCKED ITEMS ON BUTTON Indicates whether WebEdit counts and shows user's locked items. Default value: true | WebEdit.ShowNumberOfLockedItemsOnButton | "true" |
509 | WEB EDIT USE POPUP EDITOR Indicates whether WebEdit uses the popup content editor. Default value: false | WebEdit.UsePopupContentEditor | "false" |
510 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - AGGREGATION - SEGMENT DEPLOY DATE OFFSET PADDING Controls additional padding when interaction's SaveDateTime is compared with segment's deploy date. The timespan built from the value of this setting is added to the segment's deploy date. When a segment is being deployed, the DeployDate will be DateTime.UtcNow.Add(SegmentDeployDateOffsetPadding) Interaction data for the particular segment will be processed if interaction.SaveDateTime > segment.DeployDate Default value: 00:30:00 (30 minutes) | ExperienceAnalytics.Aggregation.SegmentDeployDateOffsetPadding | "00:30:00" |
511 | | ExperienceAnalytics.Aggregation.CalculatedInteractionCache.MaxSize | "100MB" |
512 | | ExperienceAnalytics.Aggregation.VisitGroupMeasurementCache.MaxSize | "100MB" |
513 | | ExperienceAnalytics.Aggregation.CalculatedGroupOccurenceCollectionCacheMaxSize.MaxSize | "100MB" |
514 | | ExperienceAnalytics.Aggregation.XmlToRulesCache.MaxSize | "10MB" |
515 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - DEFAULT DATE RANGE OFFSET - FROM The default offset (in days) that is used in a date range filter for the 'from date'. Default value: -90 | ExperienceAnalytics.DefaultDateRangeOffset.From | "-90" |
516 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - DEFAULT DATE RANGE OFFSET - TO The default offset (in days) that is used in a date range filter for the 'to date'. Default value: -1 | ExperienceAnalytics.DefaultDateRangeOffset.To | "-1" |
517 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS The default cache SegmentationReader for dropdown selection in the client side. If the cache is turned on, the reader will read from experienceAnalytics/client/services/segmentationReader in current configuration files else it will use the reader from experienceAnalytics/services/marketingSegmentReader in Sitecore.ExperienceAnalytics.config Default value: false | ExperienceAnalytics.UseSegmentationReaderCache | "false" |
518 | CONNECTION STRING NAME FOR TaskStatusStore TaskStatusStore is use to the store Segment Task Status for all segments. Default : reporting | ExperienceAnalytics.TaskStatusStore.ConnectionStringName | "reporting" |
519 | TaskStatusStoreCache is use to store the Segment Task Status for all segments. You may increase the size if the total segments is increasing | ExperienceAnalytics.TaskStatusStoreCache.MaxSize | "10MB" |
520 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - API - Cut Off Date Used to identify the date when the maxmind db upgrade happened. Date format should be ("dd-MMM-yyyy") Default value: "02-Jan-2018" | ExperienceAnalytics.Api.CutOffDate | "02-Jan-2018" |
521 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - API - CACHE EXPIRATION TTL for reporting data cache on server and client side. Used in conjunction with the cacheEnabled=true flag on reporting/dataProvider. Default value: 00:15:00 (15 minutes) | ExperienceAnalytics.Api.CacheExpiration | "00:15:00" |
522 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - API - CACHE EXPIRATION FOR SAFE REQUEST TTL for reporting data cache on server side. Used in conjunction with the cacheEnabled=true flag on reporting/dataProvider. Default value: 1:00:00:00 (24 hours) | ExperienceAnalytics.Api.ServerSideSafeRequestCacheExpiration | "1:00:00:00" |
523 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - API - CACHE EXPIRATION FOR SAFE REQUEST TTL for reporting data cache on client side. Used in conjunction with the cacheEnabled=true flag on reporting/dataProvider. Default value: 365:00:00:00 (365 days) | ExperienceAnalytics.Api.ClientSideSafeRequestCacheExpiration | "365:00:00:00" |
524 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - API - CACHE EXPIRATION FOR RISKY REQUEST TTL for reporting data cache on server side. Used in conjunction with the cacheEnabled=true flag on reporting/dataProvider. Default value: 24:00 (24 hours) | ExperienceAnalytics.Api.ServerSideRiskyRequestCacheExpiration | "01:00:00" |
525 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - API - CACHE EXPIRATION FOR RISKY REQUEST TTL for reporting data cache on client side. Used in conjunction with the cacheEnabled=true flag on reporting/dataProvider. Default value: 24:00 (24 hours) | ExperienceAnalytics.Api.ClientSideRiskyRequestCacheExpiration | "1:00:00:00" |
526 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - API - INTERNAL CACHE EXPIRATION TTL for internal data cache e.g. segments. Used in conjunction with the cacheEnabled=true flag on reporting/dataProvider. Default value: 00:05:00 (5 minutes) | ExperienceAnalytics.InternalCacheExpiration | "00:05:00" |
527 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - API - KEYS TOP DEFAULT The default value for keyTop query parameter. Default value: 100 | ExperienceAnalytics.Api.KeysTopDefault | "100" |
528 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - API - MASTER DATABASE The content database used to decorate server data with labels and other auxiliary information. Default value: master | ExperienceAnalytics.Api.MasterDatabase | "master" |
529 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - API - CACHE EXPIRATION FOR DIMENSION KEYS TTL for dimension keys cache on server side. Default value: 365:00:00:00 (365 days) | ExperienceAnalytics.Api.DimensionKeysCacheExpiration | "365:00:00:00" |
530 | EXPERIENCE ANALYTICS - API - EXPORT RECORDS LIMIT The max number of rows to be exported. Default value: 10000 | ExperienceAnalytics.Api.Export.RowsLimit | "10000" |
531 | SUPPORT PACKAGE RESPONSE TIMEOUT Specifies the time out for responding to support package generation requests by remote Sitecore instances. Default value: 00:01:00 | SupportPackage.ResponseTimeout | "00:01:00" |
532 | SUPPORT PACKAGE COLLECTION TIMEOUT Specifies the time out for generating support packages by remote Sitecore instances. Default value: 00:10:00 | SupportPackage.CollectionTimeout | "00:10:00" |
533 | SUPPORT PACKAGE DIAGNOSTICS SERVICE URL Specifies the diagnostics service endpoint URL for optional support package analysis. Default value: https://diagnostics.cloud.sitecore.net/api/v1 | SupportPackage.DiagnosticsServiceUrl | "https://diagnostics.cloud.sitecore.net/api/v1" |
534 | EXPERIENCE EXPLORER IS ENABLED Global setting for enabling Experience Explorer on server Is useful in multi-server environment Default value: true | ExperienceExplorer.Enabled | "true" |
535 | EXPERIENCE EXPLORER TESTING IP The IP used for testing Geo Ip Service Connectivity Default value: | ExperienceExplorer.GeoTestingIp | "" |
536 | EXPERIENCE EXPLORER DEFAULT GEO IP The IP used as default when preset is not defined. Default value: | ExperienceExplorer.GeoIp.DefaultIp | "" |
537 | EXPERIENCE EXPLORER DATABASE Represents context database to be used within the explorer mode. Default value: master | ExperienceExplorer.Database | "master" |
538 | SITECORE EXPERIENCEFORMS CONNECTIONSTRINGNAME PARAMETER Specifies the connection string name pointing to the Sitecore Experience Forms database. | Sitecore.ExperienceForms.ConnectionStringName | "experienceforms" |
539 | SITECORE EXPERIENCEFORMS FILESTORAGECONNECTIONSTRINGNAME PARAMETER Specifies the connection string name pointing to the Sitecore Experience Forms file storage database. | Sitecore.ExperienceForms.FileStorageConnectionStringName | "experienceforms" |
540 | SITECORE EXPERIENCEFORMS FIELDSPREFIX PARAMETER Specifies the prefix used by the MVC rendering for the fields collection names. | Sitecore.ExperienceForms.FieldsPrefix | "Fields" |
541 | SITECORE EXPERIENCEFORMS FIELDSINDEXNAME PARAMETER Specifies the index name used by the MVC rendering for the field index indentifier. | Sitecore.ExperienceForms.FieldsIndexName | "Index" |
542 | -SITECORE EXPERIENCEFORMS FILEGRACEPERIOD PARAMETER Specifies the timespan where uncommitted files should stay in storage. | Sitecore.ExperienceForms.FileGracePeriod | "00:04:00:00" |
543 | SITECORE EXPERIENCEFORMS EXPORTCULTURE PARAMETER Specifies the culture when exporting forms data e.g. "en", "da-DK", etc. Default value: "" (i.e. invariant culture) | Sitecore.ExperienceForms.ExportCulture | "" |
544 | SITECORE EXPERIENCEFORMS EXPORTDATEFORMAT PARAMETER Specifies the date format when exporting forms date field values. Default value: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm | Sitecore.ExperienceForms.ExportDateFormat | "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" |
545 | SITECORE EXPERIENCEFORMS EXPORTDELIMITER PARAMETER Specifies the format delimiter when exporting forms data. Default value: , | Sitecore.ExperienceForms.ExportDelimiter | "," |
546 | | ExperienceProfile.Api.MaxSearchLength | "250" |
547 | [Obsolete] ExperienceProfile.UsePartialTextSearch has been deprecated and will be removed in future releases. | ExperienceProfile.UsePartialTextSearch | "true" |
548 | BUNDLE BASE PATH All created bundles will be available at $(bundle.basepath)/$(bundlename) Must start with "~/" | Bundle.BasePath | "~/bundle" |
549 | BUNDLE PIPELINE NAME PREFIX A bundle pipeline is execute to create and register each bundle. The name of that pipeline is expected to be . | Bundle.PipelineNamePrefix | "bundle." |
550 | FXM PAGE PARAMETER Default value: Sitecore.FXM.ComponentSettingsHelper.QueryPageParameterDefaultValue | FXM.QueryPageParameter | "" |
551 | FXM URL PARAMETER Default value: Sitecore.FXM.ComponentSettingsHelper.QueryUrlParameterDefaultValue | FXM.QueryUrlParameter | "" |
552 | FXM BASE HOST DOMAIN When the Sitecore site and external sites are hosted on a common base domain but under different sub domains (and the sub domain isn't 'www'), then this setting should be set to the common base domain. The following table best explains this: Site A Site B Base Host Domain shop.mysite.co.uk jobs.mysite.co.uk mysite.co.uk shop.mysite.co.uk www.mysite.co.uk - (www is a special case and accounted for) www.mysite.co.uk mysite.co.uk - shop.mysite.co.uk mysite.co.uk - shop.mysite.co.uk jobs.mysite.com - mysite.co.uk mysite.com - | FXM.BaseHostDomain | "" |
553 | FXM P3P HEADER A 'P3P' HTTP header is required to enable cross domain requests to be permitted by all versions of Internet Explorer. All FXM service responses include a P3P header, with a value that can be controlled via this configuration setting. An appropriate value is provided by default, though there are potentially legal consequences attached to P3P values, so Sitecore advises customers to carefully consider the P3P value for their business. | FXM.P3PHeader | "CURa ADMa DEVa TAIi PSAi PSDi IVAi IVDi CONi HISa TELi OUR IND DSP CAO COR" |
554 | FXM PROTOCOL The protocol used when making the tracking calls by the FXM client Javascript back to the Sitecore instance. This defaults to using the same protocol as was used to request the current page in the browser. Alternative values are either 'http' or 'https'. Note that when tracking secure pages ('https'), this setting will require the Sitecore instance to also be available on https. Changing this value to 'http', might yield browser warning messages to the user resembling "there are insecure elements on this page". | FXM.Protocol | "//" |
555 | FXM HOSTNAME The host name used when making the tracking calls by the FXM client Javascript back to the Sitecore instance. This defaults to using the same host name as was used to request the current page in the browser. This should be set to the DNS name assigned to the Content Delivery Server. | FXM.Hostname | "" |
556 | FXM BUNDLED JS PATH Specifies the path where bundled JavaScript files are stored. Note: the path shouldn't be specified outside \Website folder due to limitations. | FXM.BundledJSFilesPath | "/temp/fxm" |
557 | FXM SHARE SESSIONS WHEN POSSIBLE This provides the option to record visits across multiple sites made in the same browser session, to be recorded in the same analytics interaction. This behavior is limited by the same restrictions as tracking contacts across sites, so on Safari and IE 8 & 9 page visits cannot be recorded in the same interaction. The analytics data model does not officially support visits to multiple sites within the same interaction, so turning this setting on is not recommended. | FXM.ShareSessionsWhenPossible | "false" |
558 | OUTPUT EXCEPTION DETAILS If set to 'true', exception output includes type of an exception and a stack trace; otherwise, only an exception message. Default: false | ItemWebApi.OutputExceptionDetails | "false" |
559 | LAUNCHPAD - ENABLED PERSONALIZED FRAMES Controls whether to show personalized frames with Experience Analytics charts on the LaunchPad. Default: true | LaunchPad.EnablePersonalizedFrames | "true" |
560 | LAUNCHPAD - ENABLED XM cloud mode Controls whether to show Launchpad in the XM Cloud mode | LaunchPad.XMCloudEnabled | "true" |
561 | LAUNCHPAD - Dashboard url URL to the dashboard application | LaunchPad.XMCloud.DashboardUrl | "" |
562 | LAUNCHPAD - Dashboard path Relative path to the dashboard application | LaunchPad.XMCloud.DashboardPath | "?tab=tools" |
563 | DATABASE The name of the Database where content is stored. | ListManagement.Database | "master" |
564 | BATCH SIZE Defines default batch size for large subscription operations (e.g. Import contacts from CSV storage, Recalculate subscriptions, Remove duplicates) | ListManagement.BatchSize | "250" |
565 | FACETS TO MAP The list of contact facets retrieved from XConnect to map data from a CSV file. Only fields that belong to facets listed here are mapped. All other fields are skipped. | ListManagement.Import.FacetsToMap | "Emails|Personal|Addresses" |
566 | FACETS TO READ The list of facets that is loaded with contacts by contact provider. | ListManagement.Contacts.FacetsToRead | "ListSubscriptions|Personal|Emails" |
567 | REQUIRED MAPPING FIELDS The list of the required mapping fields. If at least one of these fields is missing in a CSV file or is not mapped properly, the entire contact is skipped and not imported. Please note that the field names below should correspond to the Import Dialog mapping fields configured in the 'core' database (you may use predefined Branches to add new mapping fields): '/sitecore/client/Applications/List Manager/Dialogs/ImportWizardDialog/PageSettings/TabControl Parameters/Map/ImportModel' | ListManagement.Import.RequiredFields | "Identifier|PreferredEmail_SmtpAddress|Personal_FirstName|Personal_LastName" |
568 | IMPORT MAXIMUM THREADS Defines the maximum count of threads that can be used for importing operation. | ListManagement.Import.MaxThreads | "8" |
569 | SYNC TIMEOUT Defines default timeout in seconds for indexing synchronization. | ListManagement.SyncTimeout | "30" |
570 | RETRY COUNT Count of retries of request to xDB in case of failure. | ListManagement.XdbRequestRetriesCount | "4" |
571 | RETRY DELAY Defines the number of miliseconds that is used to delay a request. Each request failure updates the delay and stacks it using the specified value. ListManagement.XdbRequestRetriesCount (4) * ListManagement.XdbRequestDelay (8) = 32 seconds. | ListManagement.XdbRequestDelay | "8000" |
572 | Specifies the path to the rule items. | MarketingAutomation.RulesPath | "/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/XConnect - Conditions" |
573 | Specifies if Context.ContentLanguage.Name is used | MarketingAutomation.UseContextContentLanguage | "false" |
574 | Specifies the number of contacts retrieved at a time when exporting contacts. | MarketingAutomation.ExportContactsBatchSize | "250" |
575 | Specifies the size of contacts batch retrieved when contacts are purged from a plan. | MarketingAutomation.PurgeContactsBatchSize | "250" |
576 | MARKETING OPERATIONS - REFERENCE DATA - CONNECTION STRING NAME The name of the connection string that is used to connect to the reference data store. Default value: referencedata | Sitecore.Marketing.Operations.Xdb.ReferenceData.ConnectionStringName | "xdb.referencedata" |
577 | MARKETING OPERATIONS - REFERENCE DATA - DEFINITION CACHE ENTRY LIFETIME The lifetime of entries in the definition cache (in seconds). Default value: 30 | Sitecore.Marketing.Operations.Xdb.ReferenceData.DefinitionCacheEntryLifetime | "30" |
578 | MARKETING PATTERNS MINIMAL PROFILE SCORE COUNT Specifies the minimum number of content items with profile values that must be requested before Sitecore maps the contact's accumulated score to a pattern card. Default: 3 THE SETTING SHOULD BE SYNCHRONIZED WITH XCONNECT ProfileDefinitionManagerSettings-IProfileDefinitionManagerSettings\Options\MinimalProfileScoreCount FROM sc.Marketing.XConnect.xml | Marketing.Patterns.MinimalProfileScoreCount | "3" |
579 | ANALYTICS AUTO DETECT BOTS Enable auto detection of bots. Default: true | Analytics.AutoDetectBots | "true" |
580 | ANALYTICS CAMPAIGN QUERY STRING KEY Specifies the key for triggering campaigns on the query string. Default: sc_camp | Analytics.CampaignQueryStringKey | "sc_camp" |
581 | ANALYTICS CONTACT MAXIMUM INTERACTIONS Maximum number of interactions in contact history that can be loaded by personalization components on website pages. Default: 25 | Analytics.ContactHistory.MaxInteractions | "25" |
582 | ANALYTICS EVENT QUERY STRING KEY Specifies the key for triggering events on the query string. Default: sc_trk | Analytics.EventQueryStringKey | "sc_trk" |
583 | ANALYTICS FORWARDED REQUEST HTTP HEADER Specifies the name of an HTTP header variable containing the IP address of the webclient. Only for use behind load-balancers that mask web client IP addresses from webservers. IMPORTANT: If this setting is used incorrectly, it allows IP address spoofing. Typical values are "X-Forwarded-For" and "X-Real-IP". Default value: "" (disabled) | Analytics.ForwardedRequestHttpHeader | "" |
584 | ANALYTICS FORWARDED REQUEST HTTP HEADER CLIENT IP INDEX Specifies the index of client ip address in ForwardedRequestHttpHeader. Default value: "0" | Analytics.ForwardedRequestHttpHeaderClientIpIndex | "0" |
585 | ANALYTICS LONG RUNNING PAGE REQUEST Defines the threshold for long running pages in milliseconds. Default: 5000 | Analytics.LongRunningRequest | "5000" |
586 | ANALYTICS - REDACT IP ADDRESS Determines if the IP addresses that initiated the interaction are redacted when writing to the database. When the setting is enabled, the database stores an empty IP address ( instead of the actual IP address. Default value: false | Analytics.RedactIpAddress | "false" |
587 | ANALYTICS ROBOTS IGNORE ROBOTS Ignore requests and do not write information to the Analytics database when the visitor classification identifies the visitor as a robot. Default: true | Analytics.Robots.IgnoreRobots | "true" |
588 | ANALYTICS ROBOTS SESSION TIMEOUT The ASP.NET Session Timeout for auto detected robots. When the automatic robot detection identifies a session as being a robot, the ASP.NET Session Timeout is set to this value (in minutes). Default: 1 | Analytics.Robots.SessionTimeout | "1" |
589 | ANALYTICS SAMPLING PERCENTAGE Specifies the percentage of sessions that analytics data should be collected for. Default: 100 (collect data for all sessions) | Analytics.Sampling.Percentage | "100" |
590 | ANALYTICS SUPPRESS TRACKING INITIALIZATION EXCEPTIONS Specifies whether exceptions thrown during tracking initialization should be suppressed. Default: true | Analytics.SuppressTrackingInitializationExceptions | "true" |
591 | ANALYTICS TRACKING COOKIE LIFETIME Specifies the lifetime of the tracking cookie in hours. Default: 87600 (10 years) | Analytics.CookieLifetime | "87600" |
592 | ANALYTICS TRACKING COOKIE DOMAIN Specifies the name of the cookie domain for multi-domain tracking to share the contact cookie cross all domains. Default: | Analytics.CookieDomain | "" |
593 | ANALYTICS CONSENT FOR TRACKING COOKIE LIFETIME Specifies the lifetime of the consent for tracking cookie in hours. Default: 87600 (10 years) | Analytics.Consent.CookieLifetime | "87600" |
594 | ANALYTICS USE SUBMIT QUEUE Specifies if the submit queue should be used when the contact or session submit operations cannot access the database. If set to true, the contact or session is queued until the database is back up (see the section). Default: true | Analytics.UseSubmitQueue | "true" |
595 | ANALYTICS ITEMRECORDS ID CACHE SIZE Sets the size of the cache, which stores analytics definition IDs by name. Default value: 10MB | Analytics.ItemRecordsIDCache.Size | "10MB" |
596 | PROFILES WITH DEFAULT VALUES CACHE SIZE Sets the size of the cache which stores the default values for the profiles. Default value: 100MB | Analytics.ProfilesWithDefaultValuesCache.Size | "100MB" |
597 | ANALYTICS IS SHARED SESSION ENABLED Specifies if the shared session should be used to share contact data between parallel active sessions. If set to false, contact is stored in the current session and changes made to contact object in one session will not be visible to another session. Default: false | Analytics.IsSharedSessionEnabled | "false" |
598 | XDB TRACKING ENDPOINT ENABLED Enables the sitecore/api/tracker web API endpoint. Default: false | Xdb.Tracking.Endpoint.Enabled | "false" |
599 | role:require="ContentDelivery" ANALYTICS DEFAULT DEFINITION DATABASE Specifies the name of default database where content item definitions are stored. | Analytics.DefaultDefinitionDatabase | "web" |
600 | role:require="!ContentDelivery" | Analytics.DefaultDefinitionDatabase | "master" |
601 | ANALYTICS EMAIL FROM ADDRESS Specifies the From address in emails that contain reports. Default value: | Analytics.EMailFromAddress | "" |
602 | ANALYTICS GEOIPS CACHESIZE Determines the number of cached items in the GeoIp Lookup Manager. Default value: 1000 Deprecated in Sitecore 9.3.0. Use Analytics.GeoIpDataDictionaryCacheSize setting instead. | Analytics.GeoIps.CacheSize | "" |
603 | ANALYTICS AGGREGATION DIMENSIONS MAXIMUM CACHE SIZE Determines the maximum cache size in bytes of the Dimension Key in the Cache Manager. Default value: 100000 | Analytics.Aggregation.Dimensions.MaxCacheSize | "100000" |
604 | ANALYTICS AGGREGATION DIMENSIONS ENABLE CACHING Determines whether the Dimension Key is cached by default. NOTE: You can also use the Dimension.EnableCaching property to change this setting programmatically. Default value: true | Analytics.Aggregation.Dimensions.EnableCaching | "true" |
605 | XDB ENABLED Determines whether xDB is enabled or not. Default value: true | Xdb.Enabled | "true" |
606 | XDB DISABLED PAGE HANDLER The URL of the page that is displayed when the Xdb is disabled. All applications that depend on the Xdb must redirect to this page when Xdb is disabled. | XdbDisabledUrl | "/sitecore/service/xdb/disabled.aspx" |
607 | ANALYTICS - MAX ACCEPTED CLOCK DEVIATION Defines the largest acceptable deviation between the current server's system time and the system time of other Sitecore servers in the same environment. The system uses this setting to compensate for any system time deviation between servers. Default: 0.00:00:10 | Analytics.MaxAcceptedClockDeviation | "0.00:00:10" |
608 | XDB TRACKING ENABLED Determines whether tracking is enabled or not. Default value: true | Xdb.Tracking.Enabled | "true" |
609 | XDB TRACKING - KEY BEHAVIOR CACHE - MAXIMUMCACHEENTRYCOUNT Specifies the maximum number of items that you can store in the cache for a given category (goals, page events, etc.). Default: 50 | Xdb.Tracking.KeyBehaviorCache.MaximumCacheEntryCount | "50" |
610 | XDB TRACKING - KEY BEHAVIOR CACHE - MAXIMUMINTERACTIONOPERIOD Specifies the maximum time period (compared against start date time) for interactions that can be included in cache rebuilds or updates. Default: 30 days | Xdb.Tracking.KeyBehaviorCache.MaximumInteractionPeriod | "30.00:00:00" |
611 | XDB TRACKING - KEY BEHAVIOR CACHE - MAXIMUMINTERACTIONCOUNT Specifies the maximum number of interactions that can be included in cache rebuilds or updates Default: 25 | Xdb.Tracking.KeyBehaviorCache.MaximumInteractionCount | "25" |
612 | MVC: Flag for controlling data source nesting. Default: "true" | Mvc.AllowDataSourceNesting | "true" |
613 | MVC: Path to controller items. Default: "/sitecore/layout/controllers" | Mvc.ControllersPath | "/sitecore/layout/controllers" |
614 | MVC: Flag to control whether or not rendering parameters should be decoded twice (Sitecore double-encodes them). Default: "true" | Mvc.DecodeRenderingParametersTwice | "true" |
615 | MVC: Name of default action to invoke on a controller. Default: "Index" | Mvc.DefaultActionName | "Index" |
616 | MVC: Name of default controller to invoke when handling form posts from renderings Default: "" (Means that renderings that contain empty Form Controller fields cannot handle form posts) | Mvc.DefaultFormControllerName | "" |
617 | MVC: Default extension of view files. Default: "cshtml" | Mvc.DefaultViewExtension | "cshtml" |
618 | MVC: Internal prefix used to filter out route keys that should be ignored. Default: "sc_ignore_" | Mvc.IgnoreKeyPrefix | "sc_ignore_" |
619 | MVC: Pipe separated list of route URL's that are valid for use with Sitecore.Mvc. The key of route and value separated by colon. Default: "|Sitecore.Mvc.Web:api/sitecore/{controller}/{action}|Sitecore.Mvc:sitecore/shell/api/sitecore/{controller}/{action}|" | Mvc.LegalRoutes | "|Sitecore.Mvc.Web:api/sitecore/{controller}/{action}|Sitecore.Mvc:sitecore/shell/api/sitecore/{controller}/{action}|" |
620 | MVC: Pipe separated list of route URL's that are not valid for use with Sitecore.Mvc. For instance, the default ASP.NET route ({controller}/{action}/{id}) catches most requests that are actually meant to be handled by the default Sitecore route. Default: "{controller}/{action}/{id}" | Mvc.IllegalRoutes | "|{controller}/{action}/{id}|" |
621 | MVC: Path to the model items. Default: "/sitecore/layout/models" | Mvc.ModelsPath | "/sitecore/layout/models" |
622 | MVC: Flag for controlling whether Razor View Engine will look at physical view last modified dates when determining to use a view file from a pre-compiled assembly or from the file system. Default: "false" | Mvc.UsePhysicalViewsIfNewer | "false" |
623 | MVC: Path to the base file folder that contains the views used for item renderings. Default: "/views/renderers" | Mvc.RenderersViewFolder | "/views/renderers" |
624 | MVC: Path to the rendering items. Default: "/sitecore/layout/renderings" | Mvc.RenderingsPath | "/sitecore/layout/renderings" |
625 | MVC: Name of the default action to invoke in the Sitecore controller. Default: "Index" | Mvc.SitecoreActionName | "Index" |
626 | MVC: The name of the Sitecore controller. Default: "Sitecore" | Mvc.SitecoreControllerName | "Sitecore" |
627 | MVC: The name of the fall-through route handled by Sitecore. Default: "Sitecore" | Mvc.SitecoreRouteName | "Sitecore" |
628 | MVC: Flag for controlling whether or not detailed error messages are shown when a controller cannot be found. Default: "true" | Mvc.DetailedErrorOnMissingController | "true" |
629 | MVC: Pipe separated list of the legal file extensions for views. Default: "|cshtml|" | Mvc.ViewExtensions | "|cshtml|" |
630 | MVC: If the setting is true, the TransferMvcLayout processor will use the Legacy View Engine Transfer Logic, otherwise - new one, which depends only on *.aspx extension. Default: "true" | Mvc.UseLegacyViewEngineTransferLogic | "true" |
631 | MVC: Cache size of renderer cache keys. Will be used if rendering has a caching property. Default: "5MB" | MVC.Presentation.RenderingRendererCacheMaxSize | "5MB" |
632 | OWIN ASSERT STAGE MARKERS Gets a value indicating whether exception should be thrown if processors are located in a wrong order in the owin.initialize pipeline. True if exception should be thrown when there is a middleware that is executed on a later stage than the next StageMarker processor specifies. Default value: true. | Owin.AssertStageMarkers | "true" |
633 | security:require="Sitecore" OWIN AUTHENTICATION ENABLED Determines if OWIN based authentication is enabled. Default value: true | Owin.Authentication.Enabled | "true" |
634 | security:require="Sitecore" FEDERATED AUTHENTICATION ENABLED Determines if federated authentication is enabled. Sitecore federated authentication is based on OWIN authentication, To enable federated authentication, you must enable "Owin.Authentication.Enabled". Default value: true | FederatedAuthentication.Enabled | "true" |
635 | | FederatedAuthentication.IdentityProcessingPathPrefix | "$(identityProcessingPathPrefix)" |
636 | CACHING OWIN TRANSFORMED IDENTITIES CACHE SIZE Determines the size of the TransformedIdentitiesCacheSize cache, which improves the performance of the Bearer Token authentication. Specify the value in bytes or append the value with KB, MB or GB Default value: 50MB | Caching.Owin.TransformedIdentitiesCacheSize | "50MB" |
637 | The URI of the IdentityServer provider. | FederatedAuthentication.IdentityServer.Authority | "$(identityServerAuthority)" |
638 | The internal authority of SI Server. Leave it empty if it is the same as FederatedAuthentication.IdentityServer.Authority. Example: http://sitecore.identity | FederatedAuthentication.IdentityServer.ClientId | "Sitecore" |
639 | Fill the FederatedAuthentication.IdentityServer.CallbackAuthority setting if you need another host to receive callbacks from IdentityServer. It is useful for reverse proxy configuration. | FederatedAuthentication.IdentityServer.ResourceOwnerClientId | "SitecorePassword" |
640 | Wheither HTTPS is required or not for the metadata address or authority | FederatedAuthentication.IdentityServer.RequireHttpsMetadata | "true" |
641 | PATH ANALYZER - CACHING - TREE CACHE EXPIRATION Sets the absolute expiration on cached tree data. A value of 00:00:00 disables automatic expiration. Default value: 00:15:00 (15 minutes) | PathAnalyzer.Caching.TreeCacheExpiration | "00:15:00" |
642 | PATH ANALYZER - AGGREGATION - MAP DEPLOY DATE OFFSET PADDING Controls additional padding when interaction's SaveDateTime is compared with map deploy date. The timespan built from the value of this setting is added to the map deploy date. When a map is being deployed, the DeployDate will be DateTime.UtcNow.Add(MapDeployDateOffsetPadding) Interaction data for the particular map will be processed if interaction.SaveDateTime > map.DeployDate Default value: 00:30:00 (30 minutes) | PathAnalyzer.Aggregation.MapDeployDateOffsetPadding | "00:30:00" |
643 | PATH ANALYZER - AGGREGATION - COLLAPSE DUPLICATE RECORDS When sequences of records are being processed, collapse records with the same RecordId into one. Default value: true | PathAnalyzer.Aggregation.CollapseDuplicateRecords | "true" |
644 | PATH ANALYZER - ENSURE MAP DEPLOYMENT Every Minute the agent making sure the maps are deployed if they are in deployed state Default value: true | PathAnalyzer.EnsureMapDeployment | "true" |
645 | PATH ANALYZER - MAX STORED CONTACTS Sets the maximum count of stored contact IDs on nodes in the tree. If a larger number of contacts visits a page. The Path Analyzer displays node contacts based on any of the following conditions: - The Contact is anonymous but triggers a Value >= 100. - It can be set at ValueThreshold setting in the processor of type Sitecore.PathAnalyzer.Pipelines.EvaluateContact.MeetsValueThreshold - The Contact is anonymous but triggers a Visit >= 2. - It can be set at VisitCountThreshold setting in the processor of type Sitecore.PathAnalyzer.Pipelines.EvaluateContact.MeetsVisitCountThreshold - It is a known Contact The sorting of Contacts is based on Value, Visit, Name. Default value: 10 Note: If you increase the value of this setting significantly, memory consumption will increase. MaxStoredContacts does not have required minimum value but anything less than 1 will result in no displayed contacts. | PathAnalyzer.MaxStoredContacts | "10" |
646 | [Obsolete] This setting will be removed in the future releases | PathAnalyzer.MaxNodeCount | "30" |
647 | PATH ANALYZER - PRUNING - MAX TREE DEPTH Specifies the maximum depth of trees. Tree node sequences will not be added beyond this depth. Minimum value = 10 Note: If you increase the value of this setting significantly, memory consumption will increase. | PathAnalyzer.Pruning.MaxTreeDepth | "20" |
648 | PATH ANALYZER - PRUNING - MAX TREE NODE COUNT A tree containing more nodes than the amount specified by this setting will be eligible for pruning. Minimum value = 10 Note: If you increase the value of this setting significantly, memory consumption will increase. | PathAnalyzer.Pruning.MaxTreeNodeCount | "10000" |
649 | PATH ANALYZER - PRUNING - VISIT COUNT THRESHOLD Specifies the visit count threshold using by the tree pruning process. Minimum value = 2 Statistically insignificant nodes with subtree counts less than this threshold setting are eligible for pruning. | PathAnalyzer.Pruning.VisitCountThreshold | "2" |
650 | PATH ANALYZER - REMOTE SERVICES - ENABLED Specifies the dictionary domain name containing Path Analyzer string resource definitions. | PathAnalyzer.Resources.DictionaryDomainName | "core:PathAnalyzerDictionary" |
651 | PATH ANALYZER - CACHING - RESPONSE CACHE EXPIRATION Sets the absolute expiration on cached controller response data. A value of 00:00:00 disables automatic expiration. Default value: 00:01:00 (1 minute) | PathAnalyzer.Caching.ResponseCacheExpiration | "00:01:00" |
652 | PATH ANALYZER - RESPONSE - NODE NAME RESOLVING MODE Possible values: 0(raw) | 1(name) | 2(displayname) Default value: 0 | PathAnalyzer.Response.NodeNameResolvingMode | "0" |
653 | Personalization - Automatic Personalization - ENABLED Determines whether automatic Personalization features should be enabled. Default value: true | Personalization.Enabled | "true" |
654 | SITECORE SERVICES SECURITY POLICY Specifies the Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure.Web.Http.Security.IAuthorizePolicy derived type that will set the security policy for the Sitecore services. Policies: Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure.Web.Http.Security.ServicesOffPolicy, Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure - Policy denies access to all Entity and Item Services Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure.Web.Http.Security.ServicesLocalOnlyPolicy, Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure - Policy denies access to all Entity and Item Services from requests originating from remote clients Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure.Web.Http.Security.ServicesOnPolicy, Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure - Policy allows access to all Entity and Item Services Default: Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure.Web.Http.Security.ServicesLocalOnlyPolicy, Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure | Sitecore.Services.SecurityPolicy | "Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure.Web.Http.Security.ServicesLocalOnlyPolicy, Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure" |
655 | SITECORE SERVICES ROUTE MAPPER Specifies the Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure.Web.Http.IMapRoutes derived type that will configure routes for the Sitecore services Default: Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure.Web.Http.DefaultRouteMapper, Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure | Sitecore.Services.RouteMapper | "Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure.Web.Http.DefaultRouteMapper, Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure" |
656 | SITECORE SERVICES FALLBACK HTTP CONTROLLER SELECTOR" Specifies the System.Web.Http.Dispatcher.IHttpControllerSelector derived type that will be used to fallback to if the Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure.Web.Http.Dispatcher.NamespaceHttpControllerSelector fails to locate a controller to handle an incoming routed request. Default: System.Web.Http.Dispatcher.DefaultHttpControllerSelector, System.Web.Http | Sitecore.Services.FallbackHttpControllerSelector | "System.Web.Http.Dispatcher.DefaultHttpControllerSelector, System.Web.Http" |
657 | SITECORE SERVICES ASSEMBLIES RESOLVER" Specifies the System.Web.Http.Dispatcher.IAssembliesResolver, derived type that will be used manage the list of assemblies available for the application. | Sitecore.Services.AssembliesResolver | "Sitecore.Web.AssembliesScanner.FilteredAssembliesResolver, Sitecore.Web" |
658 | SITECORE EXTENSION VALIDATION FOLDER PATH Specifies the folder in which to locate javascript validator extensions Default: /sitecore/shell/client/Services/Assets/lib/extensions/validators | Sitecore.Extensions.Validation.FolderPath | "/sitecore/shell/client/Services/Assets/lib/extensions/validators" |
659 | SITECORE SERVICES ALLOW TO LOGIN WITH HTTP PROTOCOL Specifies whether the request, executing via the HTTP protocol, transmits to authentication service. Default: false When the value of this setting is true it is possible to login by sitecore/api/ssc/auth/login endpoint using HTTP protocol. Note: enabling this setting may lead to security vulnerabilities. It can be used if Sitecore instance is hidden behind another entity, that handles communication via HTTPS protocol. | Sitecore.Services.AllowToLoginWithHttp | "false" |
660 | SITECORE SERVICES ALLOW ITEM SERVICE ANONYMOUS USER Specifies whether anonymous users will be permitted to access the Sitecore Item Web API services Default: false | Sitecore.Services.AllowItemServiceAnonymousUser | "false" |
661 | SITECORE SERVICES ANONYMOUS USER Specifies the user to impersonate if a request from an anonymous user is permitted to access the Sitecore Item Web API services Default: sitecore\ServicesAPI | Sitecore.Services.AnonymousUser | "sitecore\ServicesAPI" |
662 | SITECORE SERVICES TOKEN AUTHORIZATION Specifies if enabled Authorization Tokens are enabled or not. The setting Sitecore.Services.Token.SecurityKey is needed in ConnectionString.config. Example: Default: false. | Sitecore.Services.Token.Authorization.Enabled | "false" |
663 | SITECORE SERVICES TOKEN AUTHORIZATION TIMEOUT Specifies the authorization timeout in minutes. Default: 20 | Sitecore.Services.Token.Authorization.Timeout | "20" |
664 | Please use this value to pass API Key to Service. Currently this can be passed through headers or as a query string. Query string gets the priority if it is passed in both (Query string and headers). | Sitecore.Services.ApiKeyParams | "sc_apikey" |
665 | SITECORE SERVICES ISTHROTTLEENABLED Users can specify their throttle strategy through the API key item or by using the Throttle attribute of the controller. When the value of this setting = true, the throttle that is specified in the API key item or in the Throttle attribute of the controller is applied. Example: If the value of this setting = true and in the API key item, the Throttle Strategy field is set to Simple Interval, this strategy is applied in the request pipeline. Default value: false | Sitecore.Services.IsThrottleEnabled | "false" |
666 | Timeout in seconds during which the cached user name is valid. The cache is used in Sitecore.Services.Infrastructure.Sitecore.Security.UserService.UserExists(string userName) method. | Sitecore.Services.UserNamesCache.InvalidationTimeout | "10" |
667 | SITECORE.SERVICES.ENABLEQUERY.MAXNODECOUNT Sets the maximum number of nodes inside the $filter syntax tree. | Sitecore.Services.EnableQuery.MaxNodeCount | "100" |
668 | | Sitecore.DevEx.GraphQL.Serialization.ForceBlobRestore | "false" |
669 | When NEW users are deserialized, their passwords will be set to this value. If the value is set to "random," the password will be set to a long randomly generated value, otherwise the literal value is used. | Sitecore.DevEx.GraphQL.Serialization.Users.DefaultPassword | "sitecore" |
670 | If defaultPassword is not random, this settings defines the minimum accepted password length when deserializing a user. Default is 8 and must be larger than 0 | Sitecore.DevEx.GraphQL.Serialization.Users.MinPasswordLength | "8" |
671 | Allows serialize/deserialize users | Sitecore.DevEx.GraphQL.Serialization.Users.AllowUserSynchronization | "true" |
672 | | GraphQL.AllowGetRequests | "true" |
673 | GRAPHQL - ALLOW INTROSPECTION QUERIES Controls whether an introspection information can be requested. If false, the GraphQL endpoint will response with an error if any introspection fields are used in the query. Default value: true | GraphQL.AllowIntrospectionQueries | "true" |
674 | | GraphQL.Enabled | "true" |
675 | GRAPHQL - EXPOSE PLAYGROUND Controls whether the GraphQL Playground is enabled. Default value: false | GraphQL.ExposePlayground | "false" |
676 | A hexa-decimal key used to encrypt the token for the media upload url | GraphQL.UploadMediaOptions.EncryptionKey | "432A462D4A614E64" |
677 | | GraphQL.Subscription.Enabled | "true" |
678 | | GraphQL.Subscription.MaxActiveConnectionsLimit | "300" |
679 | SPEAK COMPONENT KNOCKOUT PRESENTER The name of the Knockout Presenter. Default: scKoPresenter | Speak.Components.KnockoutPresenter | "scKoPresenter" |
680 | SPEAK COMPONENT SPEAK PRESENTER The name of the SPEAK Presenter. Default: scSpeakPresenter | Speak.Components.SpeakPresenter | "scSpeakPresenter" |
681 | SPEAK HTML MINIFY SCRIPTS Indicates whether scripts should be bundled and minified. Default: false | Speak.Html.MinifyScripts | "false" |
682 | SPEAK HTML MINIFY STYLESHEETS Indicates whether stylesheets should be bundled and minified. Default: false | Speak.Html.MinifyStylesheets | "false" |
683 | SPEAK HTML REQUIRE JS CUSTOM HANDLER Specifies the prefix that should trigger the HTTP request customer handler (see the customHandlers section in the web.config file). Default: /-/speak/v1/ | Speak.Html.RequireJsCustomHandler | "/-/speak/v1/" |
684 | SPEAK HTML REQUIRE JS CONFIG FILE Specifies the path of the main.js config version SPEAK 2.0 file which configures Require.js. Default: /-/speak/v1/assets/main-config.js | Speak.Html.RequireJsConfigPath | "/-/speak/v1/assets/main-config.js" |
685 | SPEAK HTML REQUIRE JS MAIN FILE Specifies the path of the main.js version SPEAK 2.0 file which configures Require.js. Default: /-/speak/v1/assets/main-2.0.js | Speak.Html.RequireJsMainFile | "/-/speak/v1/assets/main-2.0.js" |
686 | SPEAK HTML REQUIRE JS MAIN FILE Specifies the path of the minfied SPEAK version for 2.0 of main.js file which configures Require.js. Default: /-/speak/v1/assets/main-2.0.min.js | Speak.Html.RequireJsMainFileMinified | "/-/speak/v1/assets/main-2.0.min.js" |
687 | SPEAK BINDING JS FILE Specifies the path of the binding plugin required by SPEAK to apply bindings. Default: /sitecore/shell/client/Speak/Assets/lib/core/2.0/scBindingPlugin.js | Speak.Html.BindingPluginFile | "/sitecore/shell/client/Speak/Assets/lib/core/2.0/scBindingPlugin.js" |
688 | SPEAK BINDING JS FILE MINIFIED Specifies the path of the binding plugin minified required by SPEAK to apply bindings. Default: /sitecore/shell/client/Speak/Assets/lib/core/2.0/scBindingPlugin.min.js | Speak.Html.BindingPluginFileMinified | "/sitecore/shell/client/Speak/Assets/lib/core/2.0/scBindingPlugin.min.js" |
689 | THE MAIN FILE for the CMS 7.1 Specifies the path of the main.js file which configures Require.js. Default: /-/speak/v1/assets/main.js | Speak.Html.RequireJSBackwardCompatibilityFile | "/-/speak/v1/assets/main.js" |
690 | SPEAK REQUIRE WAIT SECONDS Overrides the Require.js waitSeconds setting Default: 30 | Speak.Html.RequireJsWaitSeconds | "30" |
691 | SPEAK HTTPCACHING ETAGENABLED Determines if the Http Cache Header If-None-Match should be checked. If the value is true, the etag is set to every item and file touched during the request. Default: false | Speak.HttpCaching.ETagEnabled | "false" |
692 | SPEAK HTTPCACHING SETMAXAGE Determines if the Http Cache Header SetMaxAge should be set. If the value is true, the header is set to 0 seconds, making the browser request the file from the server every time. If value is false, the file is retrieved from the browser cache. Default: true | Speak.HttpCaching.SetMaxAge | "true" |
693 | IS PRODUCTION MODE Indicates whether the system is in production mode or not. Default: false | IsProductionMode | "false" |
694 | MASTER RENDERING ID The item ID of the Master rendering, which can be expanded. Default: {5AA4AD6B-1228-45C1-B4C3-B1847AE60FA2} | Speak.Mvc.MasterRenderingID | "{3DC89CCA-D94A-4C46-A16D-AF6D0CB7E721}" |
695 | LaunchPad ItemId The LaunchPad item ID for the GobalLogo usage. Default: {6B846FBD-8549-4C91-AE6B-18286EFE82D2} | Speak.GobalLogo.LaunchPadId | "{6B846FBD-8549-4C91-AE6B-18286EFE82D2}" |
696 | role:require="ContentDelivery" This setting enables XConnect Collection and Search Client to access data extraction services. It is recommended to disable data extraction when not in use. | XConnect.Client.EnableDataExtraction | "false" |
697 | role:require="!ContentDelivery" | XConnect.Client.EnableDataExtraction | "true" |